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This Election Is Not About Donald Trump


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Real Clear Politics

Joe Biden and the Democratic Party want Americans to see this year’s presidential contest as a referendum on Donald Trump, but the election of 2020 is about bigger things -- bigger, even, than assessing a sitting president’s record in office.  

The stakes in this election involve the American way of life itself, and all that it promises, including personal freedom, domestic tranquility, and economic opportunity. It’s time for Americans to pick a side and decide whether our country will forge a path toward to renewed prosperity or whether it wants to travel down the road of greater government control and constrictions on political and personal freedom.  

Even as the coronavirus remains a dominant issue, both in public health and in politics, we must ask ourselves how much longer we can afford to live imprisoned by fear and uncertainty. Becoming a mask-wearing nation deprived of basic liberties is not living; it is death by a thousand cuts. People -- Americans, especially -- simply are not meant to live confined like laboratory animals.

Yet, at a time when more and more Americans want the economy to reopen, Joe Biden is calling for a national shutdown. His agenda would worsen circumstances that have already been linked with increased drug and alcohol consumption as well as domestic abuse. And his Big Government agenda would deal another brutal blow to jobs and businesses, just as the U.S. economy is attempting to get back on its feet. Further weakening the U.S. would only embolden our enemies abroad and imperil democracy and free markets everywhere.:snip:

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With GOP Voters, Trump’s ‘Likability’ Is, and Is Not, a Problem

“But you can tell the story of why this year might genuinely be different as well! In particular, you can see how there may be many Republican-leaning voters who genuinely like his [Trump’s] policies but dislike him personally on such a visceral level that they cannot bring themselves to vote for him.” – Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics senior elections analyst, Oct. 20, “What a Big Biden Win Would Look Like.”

What Trende wrote is true, but also there is an opposite reaction — Republicans who admit that they personally despise the president but are voting for him anyway because they like his policies.:snip:

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Dear President Bush — Please Endorse Donald Trump

Dear President Bush:

Howdy! Long time no see. I’m glad you and Laura are enjoying retirement in Crawford. After all your years of service to this country — and all the abuse you patiently endured from the left and (occasionally) the right — you’ve earned this time away from the jaundiced gaze of the public eye. I’m reaching out to ask you to do one last thing before you ride off into the sunset:

You need to endorse Donald Trump for president.

I know this is a big ask. I realize that President Trump and your family are not on the best of terms. I wouldn’t even blame you if you hated the guy. His behavior toward John McCain, Mitt Romney, your brother, and other Republicans was boorish, even appalling. In myriad ways, Trump seems to be exactly the opposite of the “compassionate conservative” you tried to be in your eight years as president.:snip:

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Why Donald Trump Should Be Reelected


Via David


On the face of it, the choice on November 3 is straightforward. A president is running for reelection who brings with him a record of some remarkable achievements over the past four years, both domestically and internationally. Running against him is an opponent who seems locked in the past, with a failed leftist agenda, but with an overarching message that he will restore dignity to the presidency.

Few will deny that Donald Trump has a controversial personality (although Biden is hardly a saint himself), but look at what he has accomplished and the promise that four more years of a Trump administration holds.

 More @ JPC

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31 minutes ago, Geee said:

Dear President Bush — Please Endorse Donald Trump

Dear President Bush:

Howdy! Long time no see. I’m glad you and Laura are enjoying retirement in Crawford. After all your years of service to this country — and all the abuse you patiently endured from the left and (occasionally) the right — you’ve earned this time away from the jaundiced gaze of the public eye. I’m reaching out to ask you to do one last thing before you ride off into the sunset:

You need to endorse Donald Trump for president.

I know this is a big ask. I realize that President Trump and your family are not on the best of terms. I wouldn’t even blame you if you hated the guy. His behavior toward John McCain, Mitt Romney, your brother, and other Republicans was boorish, even appalling. In myriad ways, Trump seems to be exactly the opposite of the “compassionate conservative” you tried to be in your eight years as president.:snip:


Here's the thing, I'm not asking anyone to go out and but 3 MAGA hats. No I'm asking people to look at the 2 candidates (sorry 3rd parties You..Don't Matter) and ask Which Candidate Would Do A Worst Job At Being President?  EVERY election is about voting for the lessor of 2 evils. With Trump & Biden there are pluses and minuses with both (ok ok with Biden the pluses are hard to find...but I'm sure they are there...somewhere), do the pluses outweigh the minuses? If people do this Honestly...IMO they'll vote for Trump. Loud...Boorish..thin skined Given you all that...BUT he has actually done or tried to do what he campaigned on.

"I Support The Rightward Most Viable Candidate."

WF Buckley jr


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