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Trump Classy in Final Debate; Bests Biden on Style, Substance


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CNN is A 2 trick Pony 1. Trump is Hitler 2. We're all Gonna Die from Covid 19 (if Climate Change doesn't do it)


Ah Ms Russian Collusion Aka The Smirk Queen



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Just now, Geee said:

@Valin CNN & MSNBC say Biden won 😲 Shocked, just shocked.

Point being, Tribalism. MY Side Won...NO MY Side Won.

It Sounds like Trump Stayed on Script...Sounded Presidential...ie The Good Trump showed up. So (being Tribal myself) Trump Won.

I haven't looked yet, but gonna go waaaay out on a limb and say the entire MSM (except maybe Fox) is gonna say Biden Won.


BTW just what do we/they mean by Won?

Donald Trump kept a lid on the exaggerations, and Joe Biden appeared to know what State he was in and put coherent sentences together.

Biden Won because he was able go 45 minutes with babbling..or sniffing the moderators hair. He's got My vote!!! 🤪

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Twitter Blue Checks Mock Trump's 'Coyote' Remark and It Ends Disastrously for Them

Twitter blue checks who tried to mock President Trump for saying “coyotes” smuggle children across the southern border of the United States learned the hard way that Trump was not actually talking about the animal.:snip:


Pompous smarter than everyone liberals - yeah right. Anyone who knows anything about the issue knows what a coyote is.

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