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Hundreds of Antifa Attack Conservative Free Speech Rally, Punch Organizer’s Teeth Out, Assault Several Others


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Nick Arama

October 17, 2020

wrote earlier about radical leftists at the Woman’s March in Washington, D.C. harassing and shutting down the rally supporting Amy Coney Barrett, like the true fascists they are.

But that wasn’t the only place that the radical leftist fascists were active on Saturday.

Conservatives gathered for a free speech rally on Saturday in San Francisco, with a focus on the suppression going on from big tech for things like Twitter suppressing the NY Post Hunter Biden story.

Team Save America organizer Philip Anderson was behind the event.

But free speech was apparently too much for Antifa. Several hundred ‘counter protesters’ (in the words of the AP) surged into the area, attacking the conservatives.

You can see some of the pictures here. They apparently attacked several people including Anderson and a police officer.



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