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Supreme Court to consider Trump effort to exclude from census any immigrants not legally in the U.S.


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L A Times

WASHINGTON —  The Supreme Court said Friday it would give President Trump another chance to exclude immigrants in the U.S. illegally from the 2020 census, in a case that targets the political power of California and other states with large immigrant populations.

The justices agreed to hear a special argument Nov. 30 to decide for a second time whether the census should consider residents’ citizenship or immigration status. By then, Amy Coney Barrett may have been seated as the new ninth justice.

The Constitution says the once-a-decade census should count the “whole number of persons in each state” and use that data to divide up seats in the House of Representatives and allocate federal funds to states and localities.

Throughout U.S. history, that language has been interpreted to mean that all residents are counted, regardless of whether they entered the country legally.

Last year the high court decided in a 5-4 vote to reject the Trump administration’s plan to include a citizenship question on the census.

But in late July, Trump announced that it would be the “policy of the United States to exclude from the apportionment base aliens who are not in a lawful immigration status ... to the maximum extent feasible.”

“My administration will not support giving congressional representation to aliens who enter or remain in the country unlawfully, because doing so would create perverse incentives and undermine our system of government,” Trump said in a written statement at the time.:snip:

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1 hour ago, Geee said:
L A Times

WASHINGTON —  The Supreme Court said Friday it would give President Trump another chance to exclude immigrants in the U.S. illegally from the 2020 census, in a case that targets the political power of California and other states with large immigrant populations.



The Operative word here is ............ILLEGAL! 

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