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China’s Xi Jinping tells military to focus ‘on preparing to go to war’


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Washington Examiner

Chinese officials have issued an array of signals that raise the prospect of a conflict involving the People’s Liberation Army and American allies as the U.S.-China rivalry grows more overt.

“We've already seen one, a very limited one, but a not-insignificant number of people were killed along the line of actual control with another nuclear-armed state,” former Defense Department strategist Elbridge Colby said.

That clash between Indian and Chinese forces has contributed to New Delhi’s desire to work with the United States and other democratic nations to curb Beijing’s ability to threaten neighboring countries in isolation. Chinese officials have decried a so-called Quad — comprised of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan — as a “mini-NATO” that threatens regional security, but the rising communist power hasn’t shied from flaunting the growing might of the Chinese military.

“Focus your minds and energy on preparing to go to war, and stay highly vigilant,” China’s Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, said while visiting a military base this week.:snip:

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'Once provoked, things will get ugly': Xi Jinping implies that US rivalry could 'lead to bloodshed'


China’s autocratic ruler used a commemoration of the Korean conflict to pledge that the United States military forces would be “battered” in the event that Washington and Beijing come to blows.

“Once provoked, things will get ugly,” Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping said in a new speech marking the “War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,” as the conflict is known in China. “No matter the country, no matter the military, no matter how powerful, if they are standing in opposition to the world’s trends, bullying the world’s weak, trying to turn back history, engage in aggression and expansion, this will inevitably lead to bloodshed.”

Xi made multiple thinly veiled references at President Trump’s policies in the speech, although his explicit mentions of the U.S. focused on the past. The bellicose tone provided a dramatic demonstration of Xi’s renunciation of the “hide and bide” strategy that characterized China’s careful accumulation of power for decades, although the Chinese leader stipulated that the display was intended to deter potential threats.

“The Chinese people understood that you must use the language that invaders can understand — to fight war with war and to stop an invasion with force, earning peace and respect through victory,” he said in the speech, which was delivered late Thursday evening, Eastern time. “The Chinese people will not create trouble but nor are we afraid of them, and no matter the difficulties or challenges we face, our legs will not shake, and our backs will not bend.”:snip:

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The Chinese Nuclear Threat

In September 2020, the Pentagon issued its annual report on the People’s Republic of China’s military capabilities. A common reaction to the report is that it presents a quite sobering picture of Chinese military capabilities. This is certainly correct. However, in one important area, the report is dangerously inadequate -- its treatment of China’s nuclear capability. While its projection of Chinese nuclear capability (at least doubling over the next 10 years) has also been correctly characterized as a “wake up call," the report is likely, at least in terms of the percentage understatement, to be even more inaccurate than the late Cold War depictions of Soviet nuclear capability which got both the number of Soviet nuclear weapons (and underestimation of 17,000) and Soviet doctrine with regard to nuclear weapons first-use completely wrong. It is ironic that despite the fact that the US. has reportedly been warning Russia about the Chinese nuclear threat, the Pentagon report significantly plays down the Chinese nuclear threat. Moreover, the Russians probably credit the Chinese with many more nuclear weapons than the U.S. does.

Historically, the Pentagon report has a history of understating China’s nuclear capability. Indeed, the treatment of Chinese nuclear capability in the Pentagon’s nuclear report is frequently five to ten years behind what is available in open sources.:snip:

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Feb 7 2022

By the numbers, China has a very large military. This shouldn't be a surprise given China's population size. But what China has in numbers it lacks in other areas. Watch this episode of China Uncensored for what could be the Chinese military's greatest weakness.

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