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Obamacare's costs soar so high Americans now delaying medical treatment -study


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American Thinker

Democrats can't character-assault Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett the way they did Brett Kavanaugh, so they're screaming bloody murder that Barrett will kill millions of Americans in the event she rules against Obamacare. 

According to Rich Lowry, writing in the New York Post:

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin says that this is her “assignment.” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island says that she is a “judicial torpedo” aimed at the Affordable Care Act.


She's coming to take something away from you.

Which is total garbage. It comes as a study rolls out showing that Obamacare itself is killing off millions.

Matt Margolis at PJMedia found this ugly little detail about this government health care takeover that Democrats confuse with actual health care:

 According to a Gallup survey from December 2019, 33 percent of Americans say they or a family member put off treatment for a health condition because of the costs.

This number has remained virtually unchanged since Obamacare was passed. In fact, the number has averaged about 30 percent since 2006, which is significantly higher than it was back in 2001, when only 19 percent of Americans said they or a family member put off treatment for a health condition because of the cost.:snip:

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