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A viral WalkAway video shows that reality wins in the end


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The American Thinker

Andrea Widburg

Oct. 11 2020

The left lives on “narrative.” In other words, it tells stories. It tells stories about race, gender, criminal violence, and a host of other things. Occasionally, these stories intersect with the facts, but more often than not, they don’t. I mention this because it was the unmistakable difference between fact and narrative that drove Georgia H, a lovely and articulate educator and nurse, to #WalkAway from the Democrat party and its stories. Her video has already garnered 1.1 million views and counting. That’s because she says crucial things about the nature of reality.

“Cognitive dissonance” is a fancy word for simultaneously holding contrary beliefs or understandings, one of which connects with reality and the other of which does not. Over the long run, cognitive dissonance is an unsustainable state. Reality will win.

I know, because I had a WalkAway moment a couple of decades ago when my Democrat belief system crashed headlong into the lies I knew that NPR was telling me. I could either embrace the narrative or embrace the truth. That’s how I became a conservative.


Georgia H describes how, as a teacher, she was force-fed the narrative about systemic racism in America. However, when Georgia was actually in the classroom, and again when she was working as a nurse, there was a chasm between what she was told and what she knew to be true – and of course, a chasm between what she knew to be true and what she was allowed to say.

Eventually, the stress of that cognitive dissonance (or doublethink) was too great. George H solved it by walking away and then telling others about her intellectual journey:


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