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Election Politics Aren’t Slowing Down Border Security Efforts


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Heritage Foundation

A year ago, it looked like there was no stopping the administration’s plan to secure the border and stem the tide of illegal immigration.

Today, that prediction looks about right.

Just a few days ago, a caravan aiming at the U.S. border to coincide with the election campaign was broken up in Guatemala in cooperation with the United States.

At the same time, Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott announced the completion of the construction of 350 miles of wall on U.S.-Mexico border and concluded the government was well on the way to completing the target of 450 miles by the end of the year.

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Both of these events demonstrate that the U.S. had achieved unprecedented accomplishments in gaining operational control of the border.

Few threats are a greater present danger to American peace, public health, and prosperity than an unsecured border.

In an age of pandemic, the notion of uncontrolled borders is near-suicidal.

There are many other concerns as well. An open border is a cash cow for transnational criminal organizations, such as gangs and cartels. Their activities, in turn, endanger lives and property across the country, not just in border communities.

For example, in addition to COVID-19, there is another plague sweeping across America; namely, an opioid crisis.:snip:

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