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The Election in Black and White - A response to Michelle Obama’s racist attack.


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Front Page Magazine

America is heading towards the abyss – whatever the outcome of the coming election. If Trump wins, we have a fighting chance to save our democracy as we know it. If he loses, the racial totalitarians will be in power and our fight will be a rearguard action based on the hope that when the American people get a full dose of governance by the party of hate they will gather their forces to defeat them.

Michelle Obama – to pick one among a myriad of examples to hand – has declared the coming election to be an election about racism. According to Michelle, Trump and his supporters are racists, and their helpless victims are people of color like her. In this delusional vision – typical of the racial messages coming from every benighted American who considers themselves “progressive” – Trump supporters are white nationalists who oppress people of color. Thus, in a recent message, Michelle Obama has urged undecided voters to, “’Think about all those folks like me and my ancestors,’” and then vote Democrat, “like your life depended on it.” Like her arrogant supporters she thinks that a reflection on the state of benighted black people provides a self-evident reason to condemn the half of America who would vote Republican. The Democrat electoral cause is a crusade against a racist president and the white supremacists and racists, who support him and are determined to attack the most vulnerable citizens among us and make their lives hellish.

Okay, Michelle, since you asked for it, here’s what I think about folks like you. You are worth $100 million, a lot more than most of the people who inhabit this country. In short, you are incredibly privileged. I won’t insult you the way you insult white people by calling this black skin privilege, though many Republicans voted for your husband because they wanted a black American to be president even though he was a Democrat.:snip:

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The BLM Riot Victims Michelle Obama Doesn’t Give a Damn About - Katie Pavlich

Former First Lady Michelle Obama is out with a new campaign video for Joe Biden. In it, she accuses President Trump and his followers of racism for daring to discuss and combat violent riots in Democrat cities across the country. 

"Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all."


Let's take a look at the data Mrs. Obama is likely referring to. A study by Princeton University found 570 Black Lives Matter led "protests" turned into violent riots. :snip:

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