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Intel Sources: CIA Director Gina Haspel Banking On Trump Loss To Keep Russiagate Documents Hidden


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The Federalist

Haspel is hoping Trump loses his re-election bid so she can run out the clock on Russiagate document declassifications, multiple intelligence community officials told The Federalist.

Sean Davis

October 5, 2020

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Gina Haspel is personally blocking the declassification and release of key Russiagate documents in the hopes that President Donald Trump will lose his re-election bid, multiple senior U.S. officials told The Federalist. The officials said Haspel, who served under former CIA Director John Brennan as the spy agency’s station chief in London in 2016 and 2017, is concerned that the declassification and release of documents detailing what the CIA was doing during the 2016 election and the 2017 transition could embarrass the CIA and potentially even implicate Haspel herself.

“Haspel and [FBI Director Christopher] Wray both want Trump to lose, because it’s the only chance they have of keeping their jobs,” one senior intelligence official told The Federalist. “They’re banking on Biden winning and keeping them where they are.”


“It’s far more important for Haspel to block any embarrassment of herself or her agency than to have full transparency and accountability,” another senior intelligence official told The Federalist. “She’s just hoping she can get past the election so the documents will never come out.”

“This is not a source protection issue, it’s an embarrassment issue,” the intelligence official added.


“The frustration with Haspel is reaching nuclear levels,” one official said, noting that White House and top U.S. intelligence community officials have been taken aback by the ferocity of Haspel’s refusal to release documents.

The Federalist reached out to the CIA Public Affairs office for comment, but did not receive a response prior to publication.


I can tell you from personal experience, a lot of the things that get Classified is because of CYA

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Ron Johnson issues subpoenas for testimony and documents from 'Spygate' figure Stefan Halper

A top Senate Republican issued subpoenas for FBI informant and University of Cambridge professor Stefan Halper to provide documents and appear for testimony this month as part of a review of the Trump-Russia investigation.


Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, issued the subpoenas to Halper, 76, via the FBI informant’s lawyer Robert Luskin this week. They were exclusively obtained by the Washington Examiner.

The documents subpoena asks Halper to “produce all records related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation; the Department of Justice Inspector General’s review of that investigation; and the ‘unmasking’ of U.S. persons or entities affiliated, formally or informally, with the Trump campaign, Trump transition, or Trump administration” by Oct. 14. The subpoena for Halper’s in-person testimony directs him to appear for a closed-door grilling about the same topics at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Oct. 20.

If Halper complies, it would mean his records and testimony would be provided not long before the Nov. 3 election. The Washington Examiner reached out to Luskin for comment.:snip:

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