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George Soros and the Destruction of Law and Order


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Heritage Foundation

Oct. 2 2020

Many have eyes fixed on Washington, DC when it comes to politics and policy. But a few very wealthy and powerful people are looking outside of DC – not just at the state level, but to cities and counties. Over the last several years, people like George Soros are investing millions of dollars in local district attorney races. They are looking to replace traditional “law and order” D.A.’s with progressive “reform-minded” D.A.’s. This week, we talk with Jason Johnson from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund about their new report that shows the devastating impact that reform D.A.’s seem to be having on the communities they serve. If this continues, what will our justice system look like? We also talk about whether or not this is part of a larger, coordinated effort running alongside defund the police and the Bail Project.

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