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No, the United States is not systemically racist - Stephen Moore


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Washington Examiner

In the second half of the 20th century, from 1950 to 2000, black people in the United States experienced much larger income gains than whites did. The group that had the largest income gains by far was black women. Their incomes nearly doubled over that period (after inflation). The race gap persists, but it is much lower today than it was in 1950. Does this sound like the financial results from a systemically racist country?


We are told by Black Lives Matter, about 80% of the college professors, and their pals in the media, that President Trump is a racist. CNN says it almost every night. It's always wise to judge a man by his deeds, not his words or promises. The Census Bureau report released earlier this month finds that from 2016 to 2019, black incomes rose more than in any three years in the history of the United States. The median household income for blacks is now $45,438. I don't have the latest data in front of me, but data from several years ago would indicate few, if any, other nations on Earth with a higher average black income than the United States.

Black poverty rates fell to their lowest level ever recorded. Black poverty is still much higher than white poverty, but black people's economic advancement under Trump (pre-coronavirus) has been nearly miraculous. Does this sound like the results of a racist president?:snip:


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"We are told by Black Lives Matter, about 80% of the college professors, and their pals in the media, that President Trump is a racist."


I say Prove It! Tell me 3 Racist things Donald Trump has done..Cite Sources! That generally shuts people up.

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