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U.S. Plans 'Full Withdrawal' From Iraqi Embassy


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PJ Media

“The Americans aren’t just angry. They’re really, really, really angry,” said one Iraqi official after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo informed the Iraqi government that the U.S. was planning a full withdrawal from the U.S. Embassy unless attacks on American personnel and the embassy by pro-Iranian militias ceased.


Pompeo gave the ultimatum to Iraqi President Barham Saleh on Saturday night.

Iranian-backed militias Hezbollah and Kataeb have carried out dozens of attacks on American targets since 2019 while the Iraqi government hasn’t lifted a finger to stop them. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi, in power since May, has been promising the U.S. he will rein in the militias.

But the pro-Iran faction in the Iraqi government has put up roadblocks to that effort. Now, al-Kadhemi will have no choice but to act.:snip:

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I would like to send my congratulations to the Democratic Party, the Libertarian Party, and Paleo-Conservatives on your victory. The Mullahs in Tehran must be Very Happy.

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