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Billionaire Population-Control Advocate Funds Premier Environmental Group


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The Southern Environmental Law Center, a public interest law firm and leading opponent of the Trump administration's efforts to revise environmental regulations, is a major beneficiary of one of America's most prolific supporters of abortion, sterilization, and other tools of population control.

The SELC has received more than $200 million over two decades from North Carolina-based billionaire Fred Stanback and has called Stanback and his wife two of the firm's "most loyal friends." In so doing, it embraced a man who has also given extensively to groups that advocate shrinking the U.S. population, including one whose founder predicted mass starvation in the 1970s without a global campaign to coercively slash birth rates.

A longstanding player in environmental litigation across the South, the SELC has remade itself over the past four years as a thorn in the side of the Trump administration. It currently leads an effort to block the administration's proposed overhaul of a 1970s environmental law, working alongside prominent left-leaning environmental groups like the Sierra Club and the Sunrise Movement.

Stanback's support for the SELC highlights a dark corner of the environmental movement, one openly hostile to children and families. That the SELC—which did not return a request for comment—has not distanced itself from its generous backer raises questions about how comfortable this leading liberal light is with the population control agenda.:snip:

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