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Minneapolis' Guilty Whites Think BLM Lawn Signs Will Save Them When the Mob Comes


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Front Page Magazine

It’s a strange time to be staying in Downtown Minneapolis.

This apartment block on 5th and 7th is all but empty. There are long corridors of fresh paint and new-smelling carpets and a reception area with fancy furniture and free coffee all set to welcome people, except the people never came.

If I lacked purpose, I could go for days without seeing a soul, and even chance meetings near elevators or stairwells make people scurry away like frightened rats.

No one comes here anymore.

As I walked back from NoGo Minneapolis yesterday, a man rose from his little group of thieves to follow me as I passed, putting a scarf across his face as he approached to take whatever I had. He was different from other men in other cities who have done the same, and knew in a heartbeat my reactions mattered in this moment, if I was to walk away unharmed. This man had nothing to lose.

The streets are eerily empty too. Its like the day after some kind of apocalypse where shocked survivors venture out to find water, only to quickly scurry away, hugging the outline of buildings in the shadows with their faces down to the curb.:snip:

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In my area (the Non Black Area I mean) you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a BLM lawn sign. In talking to folks on my walks it soon became apparent they had absolutly no Clue what BLM stood for. For them it is like putting up a sign saying I'm A Nice person. The sad thing is even when told what BLM is all about 9 times out of ten...doesn't matter. Because they are Nice people.....unless you;re wearing  a MAGA hat. Then they are not quite so Nice Tolerant Open Minded.

In the Black Areas...NO BLM signs.

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