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Trump Says He Expects To Announce His Supreme Court Pick 'Next Week'


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Sam Gringlas

September 19, 20205:54 PM ET

President Trump says he expects to announce a nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death "next week" and the pick will likely be a woman.

"A choice of a woman would certainly be appropriate," he told reporters at the White House Saturday before leaving for a campaign rally in North Carolina.

"We want to respect the process," Trump said. "I think it's going to go very quickly, actually." He had previously tweeted that Republicans should move forward with a nominee "without delay."

Shortly after the court announced Ginsburg's death on Friday night, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he intended to bring the president's selection to a vote on the Senate floor.

Democrats have cried foul,.................................(Snip)



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Meanwhile here in the Democratic Peoples Republic

@_RyanWinkler ·Sep 20
If Republicans go forward with a Supreme Court power grab, we will see that our institutions need to change to actually reflect majority rule—filibuster, electoral college, statehood for DC/PR, gerrymandering all need to be on the table.
Mitch "Extremist for Western Civilization" Berg
In other words, abolish federalism? Abrogate the contract by which the union of states is formed? Make vassals of the smaller states? I’m not sure if you want to start a Civil War – but if you did, I can’t imagine how you’d think of a better plan.
Release your pearls. Protecting minority rule is not the purpose of the Constitution.

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