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‘Lincoln And The American Founding’ Rebukes Those Who Call The Founders Racists


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Professor Lucas Morel’s new book, 'Lincoln and the American Founding,' is a rebuke to those who now say our founding ideals are irredeemably racist.


Lucas Morel’s book, “Lincoln and the American Founding,” makes clear that Abraham Lincoln’s philosophy of equality and self-government is the balm capable of healing our nation’s present wounds. While Morel did not write his compact book about Lincoln’s political thought as a response to the New York Times’ 1619 Project, it is just that – and a good response at that.

The 1619 Project’s only mention of Lincoln is a negative one. Ignoring Lincoln’s writings, speeches, and actions, Nikole Hannah-Jones takes an isolated incident and paints Lincoln as a perpetuator of white supremacy. Morel’s book is a thorough denunciation of this view. It is impossible to come away from this book without a renewed respect for the man that fought so hard to preserve our union on the basis of equality and republican government.


Morel’s aim is not only to vindicate Lincoln but to vindicate the Founders as well. He demonstrates just how greatly Lincoln was influenced by the Founders as well as by the documents they wrote.:snip:

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