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Walz versus Frey (2)


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Scott Johnson

Aug 6 2020

FOX 9 is our local FOX station. FOX 9 investigative reporter Tom Lyden has done an excellent job covering the war between Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey as revealed in recently disclosed text messages in the days following the death of George Floyd.

Who is responsible for the great harm that has befallen the Twin Cities? That is the question. However, this is not a binary choice. Both Walz and Frey are abject failures whose errors and omissions have been felt across the United States.

Below is the first of the three reports posted in Tom Lyden’s story “‘Thrown under the bus’: Text messages detail Minneapolis frustration.” After the advertisements that precede them. There is a lot to chew on in these reports.



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The “Abject Failure” Strikes Back [Updated]

John Hinderaker

August 4, 2020

Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz is utterly incompetent. For the details, read the just-released issue of Thinking Minnesota, which drives political debate in my state. During the days of rioting, looting and arson in Minneapolis that followed the death of George Floyd, it became obvious that the situation was a disaster. Walz tried to distance himself from the debacle by saying in a press conference that fellow Democrat Jacob Frey, the Boy Mayor of Minneapolis, had been an “abject failure,” but Walz was now taking over and things would get better. Rarely has a politician been so definitively thrown under the bus.

Walz’s denunciation came as a shock to Mayor Frey, whose political career is presumed to be over. But Frey has finally counter-attacked, and in a man-bites-dog moment, the Star Tribune is willing to criticize a Democratic Governor of Minnesota. I am not sure this has ever happened before.

Frey has nothing to lose and knows where some of the bodies are buried. So we get this from the Star Tribune: Mayor Frey: Gov. Walz hesitated to deploy National Guard during Minneapolis riots.


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Walz belittles National Guard during infighting with Mayor Jacob Frey

“To call the sons and daughters who put themselves on the line that night ’19-year-old cooks’ is nothing short of a slap in the face and a way to deflect political blame.”

Judah Torgerud

August 5, 2020

Minnesota Republicans had some harsh words for Gov. Tim Walz after he labeled the National Guard soldiers who intervened in the Minneapolis riots “19-year-olds who are cooks.”

The comment came after Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey blamed Walz for the late May chaos and said the governor hesitated to send in the Guard during the rioting.

“We expressed the seriousness of the situation. The urgency was clear,” Frey said of Walz in a Monday interview with the Star Tribune.

“He did not say yes,” Frey continued. “He said he would consider it.” 

Walz, who didn’t activate the National Guard until the third day of rioting, responded to Frey’s accusations on Tuesday afternoon. 

“I don’t think the mayor knew what he was asking for,” he commented. “I think the mayor said, ‘I request the National Guard, whew, this is great. We’re going to have massively trained troops.’ No. You’re going to have 19-year-olds who are cooks.”


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My old neighborhood today............


I used to tell people we has Everything but a movie theater within walking distance. Now thanks to Jacob the boy mayor Frey...its all gone.

Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Democrat.

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Senate testimony shows Minneapolis sent Walz ‘early’ and ‘detailed’ request for National Guard

The testimony also reveals that the Minneapolis Police Department had a plan to defend the Third Precinct, but were ordered to evacuate by Mayor Jacob Frey.

Anthony Gockowski

September 13, 2020

A written testimony provided to the Senate Public Safety Committee in August and released last week shows Minneapolis officials sent Gov. Tim Walz an early and detailed request for the National Guard during May’s George Floyd riots.

The first batch of guardsmen didn’t arrive on the ground in Minneapolis until around 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28, more than 24 hours after Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) Commander Scott Gerlicher completed a request for support from the National Guard.

Senate Republicans believe Gerlicher’s testimony “directly contradicts” Walz’s claim that he didn’t receive a specific request from Minneapolis early on in the riots, as he told reporters last month.

Gerlicher’s testimony states that he sent the request to Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo at 8:13 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27. Arradondo then forwarded the request to Department of Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington at 9:11 p.m.


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