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Guess Who Wants Cops Around? Blacks


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Steven Hayward

Aug. 5 2020

Gallup has a new poll out today with the headline “Black Americans Want Police to Retain Local Presence.” This headline understates the findings a bit, as the summary says “most [blacks] (81%) want police to spend same amount of or more time in their area.” (The actual numbers are 61% same; 20 percent more time.)

The Gallup report, part of its new initiative called the Gallup Center on Black Voices, goes out of its way to obscure the meaning of these findings, spending a lot of time dwelling on large gaps in the answers between white and black sentiments about policing. Only 19 percent of black respondents want less policing in their neighborhood, despite high rates of mistrust of the police, and only 22 percent of blacks say they favor abolishing the police.

This finding is also curious: “Asian Americans are the most likely to want less police presence where they live, with 28% saying this. That contrasts with 12% of White Americans, 17% of Hispanic Americans and 19% of Black Americans.” Asians reported negative attitudes toward police not far different from blacks, which casts doubt on a simple income hypothesis, since Asians are among the highest income groups in the country.

More evidence that the “Defund the Police” movement is mostly an enthusiasm of white progressives.





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Mean While The ACLU......................

Poll claims 61% of Minneapolis residents support abolishing the police

A new survey of Minneapolis residents reveals a majority support an amendment to the City Charter which would enable the City Council to defund the police.

Kyle Hooten

August 5, 2020

A new poll commissioned by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) shows that 61% of Minneapolis residents want to defund and replace the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD).

The ACLU conducted the poll through the Benenson Strategy Group (BSG) in coordination with The Fairness Project. The survey asked 668 respondents if they support an amendment to the Minneapolis City Charter that would allow the City Council to defund the MPD and install a “Community Safety and Violence Prevention Department” in its place.

The question posed to respondents didn’t use the words “defunding” or “abolishing,” language local officials have used to describe their plans for the MPD.


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