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Cuomo begs rich New Yorkers to leave Hamptons, return to NYC: ‘Come over, I’ll cook!’


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Bernadette Hogan

August 5, 2020

ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been begging rich people to return to New York City from their second-home retreats so they can pay taxes to help offset the state’s growing coronavirus-related revenue shortfall.

“I literally talk to people all day long who are now in their Hampton’s house who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house, or in their Connecticut weekend house, and I say, ‘You got to come back! We’ll go to dinner! I’ll buy you a drink! Come over, I’ll cook!’” the Democratic governor said Monday.

“They’re not coming back right now. And you know what else they’re thinking? ‘If I stay there, I’ll pay a lower income tax, because they don’t pay the New York City surcharge,” he added, noting the wealthiest one percent of the Empire State’s population picks up roughly 50 percent of the state’s tax burden.



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Aug. 5 2020

Cuomo begs wealthy New Yorkers to come back to save the city and pleads 'I'll buy you a drink!' as he fights off calls to raise their taxes - which he fears may scare them away forever

  • Cuomo said on Tuesday that he speaks to the city's wealthiest residents 'every day', begging them to come back 
  • Many fled for the Hamptons, upstate New York or Connecticut when the pandemic hit 
  • In May, at least 420,000 of the city's wealthiest residents had fled the city  
  • Their exodus was cemented when riots and looting tore through the city in June
  • Now, there are calls for higher taxes on the super wealthy to offset the projected $30billion deficit New York is facing over the next two years 
  • Cuomo is resisting it, saying it will only drive the billionaires out of the city for good 
  • He is furious that there remains no national plan to tackle COVID-19, and says the ongoing catastrophe in other states is holding New York back  
  • Crime is up in New York City with a shocking 286% in robberies on the Upper East Side alone 
  • (Snip)
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De Blasio announces coronavirus quarantine checkpoints at ‘major entry points’ into NYC

Dave Goldiner New York Daily News

Aug 05, 2020

Mayor de Blasio announced checkpoints for the bridge-and-tunnel crowd to comply with the state’s mandatory 14-day coronavirus quarantine rule for those arriving from COVID-19 hotspots.

“They (visitors) will be reminded that it is required not optional,” de Blasio said on Wednesday. “This is serious stuff. If we’re going to hold at this level, the quarantine is going to have to be enforced.”

The NYC Sheriff, deputies and other officials said they will deploy to Penn Station, airports, bridges, tunnels, and on major roadways to quiz travelers about their plans and register with authorities.





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