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Seattle’s “peaceful protesters” come after Police Chief’s suburban home


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Jazz Shaw

Aug. 4 2020

t’s probably time to update one of our standard political sayings for the crazy world of 2020. Try this one on for size. “A Liberal Reform Police Chief is just a Law and Order Police Chief who hasn’t had her home vandalized yet.

That may turn out to be the case with Seattle Chief of Police Carmen Best. She’s been working alongside Mayor Jenny Durkan all during the protests and riots, preaching the need to hear the voices of underserved communities, reexamine how they police the community and sniff out racism wherever it may be lurking. And she’s largely been following the media narrative of “mostly peaceful protesters” as the mobs have ravaged the streets of her city. But that seems to have come to an end after the mob showed up at her own house on Sunday night. In a letter she sent to the City Council yesterday, her language took on a markedly different tone. (Washington Times)


Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best sent a letter to the city council asking members to “stand up for what is right” after hundreds of protesters descended on her home over the weekend.

“A residence of mine in Snohomish County was targeted by a large group of aggressive protestors late last night,” Chief Best wrote in a letter to the city council made public Monday. “My neighbors were concerned by such a large group, but they were successful in ensuring the crowd was not able to trespass or engage in other illegal behavior in the area, despite repeated attempts to do so.”

On Saturday night, a group of about 200 protesters and dozens of vehicles descended on the quiet street in Snohomish County where Chief Best lives, though she was not home at the time of the demonstration, according to reports.


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