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Soros Pours Record $50 Million Into 2020 Election


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Liberal billionaire George Soros has flooded Democratic PACs and campaigns with $50 million this election cycle, shattering his personal record by tens of millions with four months to go before the elections.

Soros ramped up his political spending this cycle through the Democracy PAC, which he created last year to pump large sums into the coffers of other left-wing groups. New filings to the Federal Election Commission show the PAC doled out nearly $17 million last quarter, bringing its total cash disbursements this cycle to $48 million. Soros gave another $4 million directly to Democratic campaigns and committees without first depositing the money into his PAC. The $52 million cash influx is more than double Soros's previous high of $22 million, which came during the last presidential election.

Democratic candidates benefiting from Soros's cash have railed against the influence of money in politics. Joe Biden's government reform plan includes a promise to "reduce the corrupting influence of money in politics." The presidential candidate's website says, "We could improve our politics overnight if we flushed big money from the system and had public financing of our elections…. Democracy works best when a big bank account or a large donor list are not prerequisites for office."

Such rhetoric from Soros-backed candidates has drawn criticism from the right. "While Democrats across the country sanctimoniously rail against the influence of dark money in politics, their party’s largest donors are bankrolling a massive web of liberal organizations to get them elected," one GOP operative told the Washington Free Beacon earlier this month. "George Soros's unprecedented spending further highlights just how dependent Democrats are on contributions from billionaires, despite their hypocritical rhetoric."


Democrats, bought and paid for...

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