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Soros Pours Record $50 Million Into 2020 Election


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Liberal billionaire George Soros has flooded Democratic PACs and campaigns with $50 million this election cycle, shattering his personal record by tens of millions with four months to go before the elections.

Soros ramped up his political spending this cycle through the Democracy PAC, which he created last year to pump large sums into the coffers of other left-wing groups. New filings to the Federal Election Commission show the PAC doled out nearly $17 million last quarter, bringing its total cash disbursements this cycle to $48 million. Soros gave another $4 million directly to Democratic campaigns and committees without first depositing the money into his PAC. The $52 million cash influx is more than double Soros's previous high of $22 million, which came during the last presidential election.

Democratic candidates benefiting from Soros's cash have railed against the influence of money in politics. Joe Biden's government reform plan includes a promise to "reduce the corrupting influence of money in politics." The presidential candidate's website says, "We could improve our politics overnight if we flushed big money from the system and had public financing of our elections…. Democracy works best when a big bank account or a large donor list are not prerequisites for office.":snip:

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St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, Globetrotting With Soros Organizations, Fails to Report Trips

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the controversial prosecutor who has selectively enforced the laws she prefers, has become the darling of the progressive left. She was elected in 2016 as a reform candidate after the Black Lives Matter movement was born in the wake of the Ferguson riots. Now, an explosive new report says Kim Gardner has taken many lavish trips on the dime of Soros-backed organizations, and may have broken the law by not reporting them.:snip:

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Soros Donor Network Steers Six Figures to Three New Super PACs Ahead of 2020 Election


A political action committee funded by George Soros's Democracy Alliance donor network steered six-figure sums to three new super PACs this summer, according to recent filings.  

The Strategic Victory Fund, which is affiliated with the Democracy Alliance, a coalition of wealthy donors cofounded by Soros, pushed $312,500 to Millions of Michiganians, $450,000 to Family Friendly Action PAC, and $100,000 to Straight Talk Politics PAC. Thus far, only one of the groups has even a barebones website. The Strategic Victory Fund did not respond to inquiries about its plans for the groups.

The funding is part of a $275 million spending plan mapped out by the Democracy Alliance for the 2020 elections. The network quietly launched the Strategic Victory Fund as part of its attempt to defeat President Donald Trump and other Republicans in November. Soros himself has poured $50 million into the 2020 elections and is the cycle's largest political donor.

Federal Election Commission records show that Millions of Michiganians was launched last September. Though the group has reported no activity since its founding, individuals named in founding documents reveal ties to known liberal activists in the crucial Midwest swing state. The group's listed agent, Lonnie Scott, is the executive director of Progress Michigan, a Lansing-based group that works to "challenge conservative propaganda" in the media. Its treasurer, Joe Soltis, also works for Progress Michigan as a compliance manager. Cementing the ties, the two groups also share the same Lansing address.

Progress Michigan's goal of pushing back against what it deems "conservative propaganda" is an area of focus for the Democracy Alliance ahead of the elections. According to confidential documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the donor collaborative sees right-leaning media, "foreign actors," and "well-organized conservative efforts to attack progressives" through influence campaigns as a problem. "We need to build the capacity to identify, discredit, and disarm these attacks in a systematic way before they take hold," the documents state.:snip:


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Left-wing dark money groups to ‘carpet-bomb’ 2020 election, report warns

EXCLUSIVE: A network of left-wing groups with budgets eclipsing those of conservative powerhouses like the Heritage Foundation will likely “carpet bomb” the 2020 election with anonymous dark money, a new report obtained by Fox News warns.


"If 2018 is any indicator, we should expect to see the Left carpet-bomb the 2020 presidential election with buckets of anonymous cash, while complaining about the evils of ‘dark money’ the entire time,” the report from conservative watchdog Capital Research Center says.


The CRC first reported last year on what it described as a shadowy network of liberal nonprofits under the banner of Washington-based Arabella Advisors -- afloat on more than a half-billion dollars and run by former Clinton administration appointee Eric Kessler.

CRC's latest report, released Friday, found that between 2006 and 2018, the Arabella network reported revenues of $2.4 billion and nearly $1.9 billion in expenditures. In 2018 alone, the network brought in $635 million in revenue, after having brought in $582 million a year earlier.

The report notes that the revenues alone eclipse those of conservative groups, such as the Heritage Foundation ($82 million in revenue in 2018) and Americans for Prosperity ($58 million.)

“In contrast, the Arabella network brought in almost eight times more than Heritage and 11 times more than Americans for Prosperity," the report says.:snip:

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Schumer and Pelosi-Aligned Groups Funnel Millions in Secret Cash Into 2020 Elections

Liberal advocacy groups closely aligned with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) have pushed more than $12 million in dark money contributions into the 2020 elections, filings show.

Majority Forward, a nonprofit with ties to Schumer's Senate Majority PAC, has pushed $10.6 million in direct contributions into the election, while House Majority Forward, a nonprofit that is linked to Pelosi's House Majority PAC, has poured $1.6 million into 2020 efforts. The cash ultimately benefits liberal politicians, who routinely vow to rid politics of dark money.

Majority Forward, created in 2015, has been the biggest liberal dark money spender in recent years. The nonprofit has steered $8 million in direct contributions to Schumer's Senate Majority PAC; $1.5 million to Let's Turn Colorado Blue, which backed Democratic Senate candidate John Hickenlooper in the Democratic primary against Andrew Romanoff; and $500,000 to the progressive group Swing Left, which works in toss-up elections. House Majority Forward, meanwhile, was launched in 2019 shortly after House Democrats introduced a bill that would have required the disclosure of major donors who give to 501(c)(4) nonprofits like itself. Its entire $1.6 million in direct contributions went to Pelosi's House Majority PAC, even though House Majority Forward's website says its work focuses mainly on economic, social, and environmental issues.:snip:

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