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Portland protests have no goal except violence and anarchy


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Andy Ngo

July 24, 2020

At the end of May, rioting and looting broke out in Portland, Ore., as it did in dozens of other American cities in response to the police-involved death of George Floyd. In one night, hundreds of rioters ravaged downtown, breaking into jewelry stores, the mall and banks. They left a trail of broken windows and fires in their wake. That was seven weeks ago. And while violent protests have ebbed or stopped everywhere else, it has continued and grown stronger in Portland.

For 58 days, mass protests and riots have taken over parts of the city. Some streets and areas are literal “no-go zones” at night — either blocked by fires or teams of “guards.”

Day after day, hundreds and even thousands take to the streets and claim the territory as theirs. They cycle through a number of chants like “All cops are bastards” and “F- -k the police.” A large number of them participate in violent criminal acts such as arson and assault. They’ve made it a game to lure law-enforcement officers out of buildings so they can assault them with blinding lasers, paint, rocks and other weapons.


Last month, Wheeler disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction Unit, claiming it unfairly targeted blacks. In the weeks since, there has been a 380 percent increase in shootings compared with the same time frame last year.

City Councilwoman Jo Ann Hardesty has taken police hatred further. She told Marie Claire magazine this week: “I believe Portland Police [Bureau] is lying about the damage — or starting the fires themselves — so that they have justification for attacking community members.” She partially walked back her accusation after Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is black, asked for evidence of her claim.


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Long Prison Terms Needed

John Hinderaker

July 25, 2020

It is hard to see how the city of Portland can ever recover from the violence that has been unleashed by Antifa, with the connivance of local officials. One is tempted to say that Portland’s voters have brought it on themselves and are getting what they deserve–good and hard, as Mencken put it. Unfortunately, they aren’t the principal victims of the violence.

Federal agents came under vicious attack while trying to protect the federal courthouse in Portland from something like 1,000 rioters. Among other things, criminals pointed lasers into the eyes of the agents. It appears that three agents may have suffered permanent blindness:


Antifa rioters are the Democratic Party’s shock troops, playing a role analogous to that of the Ku Klux Klan in the late 19th Century. And, like Klan members in the Deep South, Antifa criminals in Democrat-controlled cities are rarely punished.







Some Assembly Required.

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On 7/25/2020 at 8:04 AM, Valin said:

Andy Ngo

July 24, 2020

At the end of May, rioting and looting broke out in Portland, Ore., as it did in dozens of other American cities in response to the police-involved death of George Floyd. In one night, hundreds of rioters ravaged downtown, breaking into jewelry stores, the mall and banks. They left a trail of broken windows and fires in their wake. That was seven weeks ago. And while violent protests have ebbed or stopped everywhere else, it has continued and grown stronger in Portland.

For 58 days, mass protests and riots have taken over parts of the city. Some streets and areas are literal “no-go zones” at night — either blocked by fires or teams of “guards.”

Day after day, hundreds and even thousands take to the streets and claim the territory as theirs. They cycle through a number of chants like “All cops are bastards” and “F- -k the police.” A large number of them participate in violent criminal acts such as arson and assault. They’ve made it a game to lure law-enforcement officers out of buildings so they can assault them with blinding lasers, paint, rocks and other weapons.


Last month, Wheeler disbanded the Gun Violence Reduction Unit, claiming it unfairly targeted blacks. In the weeks since, there has been a 380 percent increase in shootings compared with the same time frame last year.

City Councilwoman Jo Ann Hardesty has taken police hatred further. She told Marie Claire magazine this week: “I believe Portland Police [Bureau] is lying about the damage — or starting the fires themselves — so that they have justification for attacking community members.” She partially walked back her accusation after Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is black, asked for evidence of her claim.


'Peaceful' Protests


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July 29 2020

Ami Horowitz recounts his experience interviewing people on the streets of Portland in the midst of the unrest and violence.

July 29 2020

Ami says that according to his interviews, there is a consensus among the protesters. Listen to hear what they all agree on.


July 27 2020

The media will have you believe that the Portland protests are peaceful....spoiler alert...they are not.

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Aug. 7 2020

Portland’s mayor and police chief spent much of Thursday and Friday decrying nightly demonstrations that have turned destructive, a surge in shootings and homicides and other public safety concerns that have gripped the city in recent weeks.

In a rare occurrence, cops on the front lines have been permitted to speak out about them, too.

Several rank-and-file officers this week provided firsthand accounts of their work amid heated protests, increasing gun violence, calls for reforms and budget cuts.

Sgt. Brent Maxey said the vitriol and acts of violence directed at him during a pair of demonstrations marked some of the lowest points in his 18 years with the bureau.

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On 8/7/2020 at 8:49 PM, Valin said:

Aug. 7 2020

Portland’s mayor and police chief spent much of Thursday and Friday decrying nightly demonstrations that have turned destructive, a surge in shootings and homicides and other public safety concerns that have gripped the city in recent weeks.

In a rare occurrence, cops on the front lines have been permitted to speak out about them, too.

Several rank-and-file officers this week provided firsthand accounts of their work amid heated protests, increasing gun violence, calls for reforms and budget cuts.

Sgt. Brent Maxey said the vitriol and acts of violence directed at him during a pair of demonstrations marked some of the lowest points in his 18 years with the bureau.

Why these Riots Have Gone On So Long...........

Andy Ngo Portland catch and release program



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Another riot declared in Portland as focus returns to the courthouse

John Sexton

August 13, 2020

Yesterday I pointed out that the nightly riots in Portland were starting to earn the mob some bad feelings from neighborhoods and even a bit of bad press. Last night they decided to return to downtown and the scene of their greatest “victory,” the Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse. Returning to their roots meant throwing fireworks and at least one Molotov cocktail at the courthouse and once again a riot was declared:


Protesters shifted back downtown Wednesday, joining other demonstrators who never left. The two groups have been divided over tactics, namely whether or not to confront police. Several activists implored the crowd not to draw out police. But other people threw things, set off fireworks and gathered outside a parking garage where drivers were waiting to exit near the Justice Center.

Portland police ultimately labeled the gathering a riot, then set off tear gas on the crowd. Police made multiple advances on the crowd, once pushing the crowd for more than seven blocks. State troopers joined Portland police during at least one of the pushes.

KOIN News reporters Hannah Ray Lambert and Jennifer Dowling were following the situation for most of the night and captured a lot of video from the scene. What follows is a rough breakdown of last night in rough chronological order.


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