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NY Planned Parenthood Clinic to Remove Name of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Cites Her 'Racist Legacy'


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CNS News) -- Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced today that one of its clinics in Manhattan is removing the name Margaret Sanger from its building because of her support for eugenics and her "legacy and system of institutional racism."

The group also plans to change the name of Margaret Sanger Square, the area where the abortion office is located.

Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) founded the American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the largest abortion provider in the United States. Sanger was an advocate of eugenics, the idea that one can engineer better human beings, a "new race" through selective breeding and related scientific methods. Her legacy has been applauded by liberals for decades.:snip:

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Two famous leftist icons are heading for history’s trash heap

:snip:Planned Parenthood of Greater New York will remove the name of Margaret Sanger, a founder of the national organization, from its Manhattan health clinic because of her “harmful connections to the eugenics movement,” the group said on Tuesday.


“The removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” Karen Seltzer, the chair of the New York affiliate’s board, said in a statement.

The Sierra Club is having a similar reckoning, although it’s just trying to clean up Muir’s reputation rather than jettisoning him entirely:

[O]n Wednesday, the organization’s president, Michael Brune, said it was time for some “truth telling” about Muir, a founder of the environmental organization, and his racist views and the white supremacist beliefs of its original members.

Muir “made derogatory comments about Black people and Indigenous peoples that drew on deeply harmful racist stereotypes, though his views evolved later in his life,” Brune wrote in a post on the club’s website. “As the most iconic figure in Sierra Club history, Muir’s words and actions carry an especially heavy weight. They continue to hurt and alienate Indigenous people and people of color who come into contact with the Sierra Club.”:snip:

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