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Grave calls for the end of systemic racism are echoing throughout academia, broadcast in open letters and in-house emails, official declarations on college websites and commentaries in campus newspapers, pledges by college presidents, and promises by professors to remedy longstanding injustice. If one were to grade these self-righteous expressions, they would earn a D- for credibility, but an A+ for brazenness.

The lack of credibility we can prove by consulting the Left’s own measure of disparate outcomes. The now-famous list of demands issued by a good portion of the Princeton University faculty in an open letter to President Christopher Eisgruber has several signatories from humanities departments. Among the demands is this:

Redress the demographic disparity on Princeton’s faculty immediately and exponentially by hiring more faculty of color.

We might point out the illegality of reserving jobs by race, but the credibility problem lies elsewhere. In order for systemic racism to exist in the hiring process at a prestigious university such as Princeton, there has to have been a pipeline of African American job candidates who have faced discrimination. If a group identity is not proportionately represented in the professoriate and more individuals in that group need to be hired, we presume that a pool of persons from that group is waiting to be tapped for a job.

But here is the situation in the humanities. According to the Digest of Education Statistics, in 2016-2017, of the 1,347 individuals who earned a Ph.D. in English, only 54 of them were “black.” That’s a rate of 4 percent. The following year yielded a better number, but not by much: 65 out of 1,295 doctorates (5 percent). Both ratios fall way below the national African American share of the population, just below 13 percent. :snip:

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The New War on Merit

 The left calls for racial quotas in the name of progress 

The American dream is that any citizen, regardless of sex, race, creed, or color, can rise on his determination and merit. History is littered with examples of the reformers who worked to realize that dream, pushing the most influential institutions in the country to prize talent and hard work over wealth and connections.

The introduction of standardized testing, accessible to all American teens, was part of that push. Harvard University began administering a standardized test to all applicants in 1905. Its effect was profound and immediate: historically a landing spot for the Protestant upper crust, the school began admitting far more public school kids, Catholics, and Jews.

The increasing number of Jewish students was a major concern for Harvard president and committed progressive A. Lawrence Lowell. He tried to implement a quota on Jews, then pivoted to an admissions process that used intangible factors such as "character" and "manliness." It worked: Jewish applicants consistently fell short.:snip:

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The Morning Briefing: Defund the Public Education Leftist Indoctrination Mills

:snip:The riots and protests that have been raging on and demanding that American cities defund their police forces are being carried out by a generation of American youth who have been indoctrinated with anti-American notions that were mostly planted in public schools. They were given the ability to grow even larger if the young person went to college. But the genesis of the problem is to be found in a public education system that is funded by American taxpayers of varying ideologies but controlled by radical leftist teachers’ unions.:snip:

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California State University’s Mandate of Ethnic, Social Justice Studies Driven by Hatred of America

Pan-African studies are “the intellectual arm of the revolution,” the unrepentant communist Angela Davis triumphantly toldstudents at California State University, Los Angeles, in a candid moment in 2016. Well, that arm got a lot longer this week.

The entire California State University system just announced Thursday that it was making ethnic and social justice studies mandatory for everyone who wants a degree.

Yes, that means that ethnic and social justice studies will now have pride of place along with English and science as subjects that must be mastered by those brandishing a bachelor’s degree from the vast California system.

Not that ethnic or social justice studies will do one iota to help these young Americans master their fields or become future leaders, which used to be one of the aims of what was formerly called higher education.:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 4

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Tulane Threatens Students With Expulsion for Large Gatherings; OK With Protests | Campus Reform

Tulane University's dean of students warned students they could face "expulsion" for violating social-distancing guidelines, but will not punish students for attending Black Lives Matter protests.

5. Northwestern Journalism School Teams Up With Qatar | Washington Free Beacon

Northwestern University's journalism program accepted hundreds of millions in funding from Qatar and a regime-backed foundation linked to terrorism.

4. Campus Activists Demand Free Tuition and Reparations | Washington Free Beacon:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 5

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. University of North Texas Mob Comes Calling for a Music Theorist | National Review

A University of North Texas music theory professor was attacked by woke students for defending a 19th-century music theorist against accusations of racism.

5. Pro-Life Groups Threaten Lawsuit After Students Arrested | Washington Free Beacon

Students for Life plans to sue the mayor of Washington, D.C., after police arrested a Towson University student and a D.C. resident for chalking a pro-life message outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.


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Public School Teachers Openly Fear Parents Overhearing the Leftist Brainwashing During Virtual Classroom Sessions

Leftist teachers aren’t happy that you can now hear them programming your child with social justice ideology.

The left owns our public education system due to years of infiltration, coercion, and strong-arming. They’ve apparently become so comfortable and cocky in the position that they’re not openly complaining that you’ll now be able to hear their attempts at brainwashing your children.


Apparently, you being involved in what your child learns bothers these teachers.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh screen-capped the tweets of educator and author Matthew R. Kay who has since switched his Twitter account to “protected” after his tweets began to circulate. Kay goes on a multi-tweet rant about how parents can now sit in on virtual classes thanks to rules put in place by districts reacting to COVID-19.

Kay openly hates the idea that his brainwashing on social justice and racial matters can now be overheard by the parents, which violates the “secure barriers” and “what happens here stays here” mentality provided by the physical barriers of actual classrooms.

He goes on to say that while conservative parents are definitely the biggest problem, he’s also concerned about leftist parents who might not see eye to eye with his attempts at guiding his students towards his way of looking at racism and homophobia.:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 6

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Professor: American Dream is a ‘Damaging’ Ideology For Black People | College Fix 

A San Francisco State University professor said that the American Dream is a "myth" that justifies white supremacy.

5. UConn Agrees to Pay ‘White Fragility' Author $20K For 3.5 Hour Anti-Racism Lecture | Campus Reform

The University of Connecticut will pay Robin DiAngelo, author of the controversial book White Fragility, $20,000 for a lecture on anti-racism.

4. Georgetown Law Professor: Senate Filibuster is a ‘White Supremacist Tool' | YAF

An LGBT Health and Law professor at Georgetown University’s law school shared on Twitter an Atlantic article that claimed that the Senate filibuster was a "monument" to white supremacy.:snip:

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Student faces suspension for background image of Trump on Zoom virtual classroom call

Some students felt "offended, disrespected, and taunted" by the Trump imagery, according to a Code of Conduct Complaint report filed by the university's director of care and community standards.


Stockton University student is facing suspension after he included an image of President Trump on a Zoom conference call.

A representative from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) says the episode is part of a "depressing" trend of university students being punished for politically charged social media posts.

Doctoral student Robert Dailyda featured the Trump image as his screen background during a July 1 virtual class session. Several fellow students enrolled at the New Jersey college complained about the visuals in a private GroupMe conversation following the session. :snip:

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China’s Growing Influence on Campus

American academia majors in appeasement.


The U.S. government has opened a multifront assault on the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration of American institutions.

Chinese companies that don’t abide by American securities laws will be delisted from U.S. stock exchanges under an executive order signed by the president. Another order prohibits federal workers’ pension funds from being invested in Chinese-controlled companies. Yet another keeps a growing number of companies, American and foreign, from doing business with Huawei, the Chinese telecom-cum-cyberespionage giant.

These moves follow a series of speeches by top administration officials outlining the threat the CCP poses to our way of life. 

Our government is pushing back, and there is no shortage of targets. The FBI has nearly 1,000 investigations in all of its 56 field offices involving China’s attempted theft of U.S. technology.:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 7

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Duke Professor Lays Out $12 Trillion Slavery Reparations Plan | New York Post

A prominent economist at Duke University mapped out a reparations plan that would give $800,000 to the descendants of slaves and would cost the U.S. government upward of $12 trillion.

5. Princeton Graduate Student Government Calls Admin's Support of Free Speech ‘Unacceptable' | Campus Reform 

Student leaders in Princeton's Graduate Student Government said the school's affirmation of free speech was "tone deaf" and protected hatred.

4. Texas A&M Professor Says It Was ‘Good News' Rep. Gohmert Got COVID, Hopes ‘Fat Klansman' Trump Gets It Too | The Blaze

In a Facebook post, Texas A&M University professor Filipe de Castro called the late Republican Herman Cain "stupid" and said it was "good news" Rep. Louie Gohmert (R., Texas) was diagnosed with the coronavirus. Castro also said that he hopes President Donald Trump—whom he referred to as "fat klansman"—and Vice President Mike Pence get it too.:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 8

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Oregon Professor Arrested During Portland Antifa Riots | Campus Reform

A professor at the Oregon Health & Science University was arrested at an Antifa riot on Sunday for trespassing.

5. University Threatens to Yank Partiers' Admissions | Washington Free Beacon

Northeastern University threatened to rescind admissions offers to more than 100 incoming freshmen who responded "yes" to a supposedly anonymous survey that asked if they planned to attend parties on campus.

4. DNC Features Wake Forest Staffer Who Identifies As Gender Transcendent Mermaid Royalty | The Christian Post

J. Mai, a Wake Forest University staffer who identifies as a "nonbinary/gender transcendent mermaid Queen-King," spoke at an LGBTQ panel at the Democratic National Convention last week.

3. Citing Black Lives Matter, Photos of Retired White Male Professors Must Be Taken Down | The College Fix:snip:

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University Shouldn’t Punish Me for Not Addressing Male Student as ‘Ms.’

Returning from a sabbatical in my 21st year at Ohio’s Shawnee State University, I resumed teaching my regular political philosophy course.

Taking questions in one such class at the end of my first day back, I acknowledged a male student with a “Yes, sir?” (It’s my practice to address my students in this way and to call them Miss, Mrs., or Mr. to foster an atmosphere of seriousness and mutual respect.)


After class, the student approached me to explain that he identifies as a woman and hereafter expected me to refer to him with feminine titles and pronouns.


“I’m not sure I can do that,” I told him.


He didn’t like that. He began to pace in circles around me, his voice rising and taking on an edge. He suggested an unprintable name he might feel free to call me if I declined to indulge his demands. Moreover, he said, he would see to it that I lost my job.:snip:

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Hopkins superintendent: ‘System of racism pervades every aspect of daily existence’

“If you are white and/or if you are privileged in another way, I ask you to engage in the same self-analysis to see your own privilege and to examine your whiteness.”

Anthony Gockowski

September 3, 2020

Hopkins Public Schools Superintendent Rhoda Mhiripiri-Reed recently welcomed teachers and staff back to school by urging them to examine their “whiteness.”

During an Aug. 24 virtual staff kickoff event, Mhiripiri-Reed delivered a 25-minute lecture on the “dual pandemic” of COVID-19 and racism in Hopkins Public Schools, which voted Tuesday to not renew its contract with the Minnetonka Police Department.

“In our communications to staff and families, we have referenced a dual pandemic. Mr. George Floyd – rest in power – is seemingly the contemporary face of the pandemic of racial injustice. This pandemic of systemic racism has soiled this country, not just since slavery, but since the genocide of the Native Americans and the American Indians who resided on and cared for this land,” she said.


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This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 9

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Willamette University Director: ‘Every White Person in This Country is Racist' | Campus Reform 

Sue Minder, Willamette University’s director of accessible education, claimed that every white person in America is racist in a webinar series on race.

5. Judge Rules University of California Cannot Use SAT, ACT Tests in Admissions | Washington Free Beacon

The University of California school system is no longer allowed to use standardized tests in the admissions process because a judge ruled that the tests give an unfair advantage to "non-disabled, economically advantaged, and white" students.

4. Syracuse Professor Put on Leave, Under Investigation for Using Term ‘Wuhan Flu' | The College Fix:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 10

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. University of Rhode Island to Remove World War II Memorials Because They Show Too Many White People | The College Fix 

The University of Rhode Island will remove two murals depicting WWII veterans after the school’s administration received complaints that the individuals depicted in the murals are "predominantly white."

5. Northwestern Law Administrators Confess Their Racism in Online Diversity Session | Washington Free Beacon 

Administrators at Northwestern University Law School denounced their alleged racism in an online diversity training session.

4. Syracuse Prof Warned Students He Does Not Tolerate Support for President Trump | Campus Reform 

Syracuse University professor Mark Rupert warned students that he would not tolerate conservative and Republican perspectives in his classroom, specifically from students who support President Donald Trump’s "hateful ideas."

3. University of Michigan Apologizes For Apparent Segregation of Student Events | Washington Free Beacon:snip:

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This Week in Campus Insanity Vol. 11

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. VP of College Democrats at University of North Texas Encourages Students to Join Antifa | Legal Insurrection

Brett Davis, vice president of the University of North Texas’s College Democrats chapter, encouraged freshmen to join Antifa—the radical group that is partially responsible for riots and destruction across the country this summer.

5. University President Helps Raise Money for Student Arrested for Arson | Washington Free Beacon 

The president of Pennsylvania's Franklin and Marshall College is helping raise money for a sorority girl arrested during riots in Lancaster, Pa., and charged with arson, among other felonies.

4. University of Chicago English Department to Accept Only Students Interested in Black Studies | Washington Free Beacon

The University of Chicago's English department will only accept graduate school applicants interested in "Black Studies" for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle.

3. Education Department Opens Investigation into Princeton University After President Deems Racism ‘Embedded' in the School | Washington Examiner:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 12

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. University Professor Promised to Spy on Conservative Student Nick Sandmann | The College Fix

Avery Tompkins, an assistant professor at Transylvania University, pledged to monitor student Nick Sandmann—who last year became famous after being confronted by Native American activists for wearing a "MAGA" hat and was slammed by mainstream media outlets.

5. ASU Journalism School Removes People and News Accused of Being Too Pro-Police | LaCorte News

Arizona State University's school of journalism removed an incoming dean, deleted a Twitter poll about looting, and took down an interview with a police officer because the posts were deemed too friendly to police.

4. Boston University Professors Claim School's COVID Reopening Plans Enforce ‘White Supremacy Culture' | The Daily Free Press

Students, professors, and faculty at Boston University penned a letter to the university claiming that aspects of the school's plan to return students to campus upheld "white supremacy culture.":snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 13

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Columbia University Students Pass BDS Resolution | Washington Free Beacon

Students at Columbia University voted in favor of an anti-Israel referendum that calls on the university to divest from companies that do business with Israel.

5. Cornell Professors Demand University ‘Decolonize' Curricula Across the Board | The College Fix

A group of Cornell University faculty, graduate students, and staff sent a letter to the university demanding a change in curricula to emphasize "decolonized readings."

4. Ohio State Students Furious After University Reports Black-on-White ‘Hate Crime' | Campus Reform

Ohio State students are upset after the school published information about two black hate crime suspects, as it is required to do under federal law.:snip:

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This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 14

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. Harvard Center Hosts Virtual Seminar on How to Inject Race Issues Into Course Syllabi | The College Fix

Harvard University's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian studies hosted a "Race in Focus" webinar series to educate professors on "integrating critical pedagogies of race" into classroom curricula.

5. Harvard Lecturer Pushes Conspiracy Theory About Russian Spies at Walter Reed Hospital | Campus Reform 

Harvard professor and CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem alleged it was "very likely" that Russian spies infiltrated Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and gained access to President Donald Trump's medical condition following the president's COVID-19 diagnosis.

4. Professor Promises to Kick Students Out of Class for ‘Misgendering' Other Students | Campus Reform 

An LGBT politics professor at Brooklyn College threatened to remove any student from class who engages in "intentional misgendering."

3. Gettysburg College Biology Quiz Claims Trump is ‘Eugenicist' | Young America's Foundation:snip:

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