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Rep. John Lewis Raised Millions While His District Starved


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A lot of people have died in Georgia’s 5th congressional district over the summer. Murders are up 240% in Atlanta in July. The victims include an 80-year-old retired mechanic and an 8-year-old girl.

But only one man’s death, that of Rep. John Lewis, who has been in Congress since 1986, has the media’s attention. Unlike his fellow 80-year-old, Lewis never retired and had spent his entire life in politics. He went from working for the Voter Education Project, funded by the New World Foundation, to running for public office. In 1981, he won a spot on the Atlanta City Council, a post he continued drawing a pension from even as he was in Congress, and then it was on to the House of Representatives.

Lewis has always claimed that his goal was to represent the “beloved community”. As President Trump noted, the beloved community had seen better days, “Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested).”

A quarter of families with children in the 5th live below the poverty line. The average income, unemployment, and poverty rates in Lewis' district fall well short of national averages.

Lewis didn’t do much for the “beloved community”, but he did quite a bit for the party that oppressed it.:snip:

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