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Opinion: Remember, The Violence Inflicted On John Lewis, Was The Result Of Democrat Governance


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Civil Rights icon John Lewis has passed away, ultimately succumbing to pancreatic cancer, a particularly nasty way to go. But that wasn’t his toughest fight. Lewis as a young man, was one tough hombre. A believer in the cause of individual liberty, he was arrested many times and often beaten by agents of the state and by passing “volunteers.” One of the most significant events in the life of John Lewis, was the event known as, “Bloody Sunday.”

Bloody Sunday started out as a peaceful march by mostly Black Americans from Selma, Alabama, to the state capital in Montgomery. Their purpose was to protest the practices of Southern states, (at that time, all run by Democrats) that had enacted a number of laws that were clearly designed to disenfranchise Black voters. On March 7, 1965, as the marchers approached Pettus Bridge, Alabama State Troopers assisted by local Democrat “volunteers,” attacked the marchers with clubs, bats and tear gas. It was brutal.


John Lewis was struck in the head and knocked to the ground. As he tried to get up, he was struck again, cracking his skull. For the rest of his life, he carried around a metal plate in his head, a remembrance of that brutal day on an Alabaman bridge. Lewis was jailed and beaten several more times during his younger days as a civil rights firebrand and protégé for Dr Martin Luther King.:snip:

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