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Oregon will sue federal agencies over use of force against protesters


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Dana Kennedy

July 18, 2020

Oregon officials plan to sue several federal agencies they say are sending masked, camouflaged agents to detain and seize protesters without probable cause, according to a report.

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum said her office will also begin a criminal investigation into an incident of force by federal officers, the Oregonian reported.

“The federal administration has chosen Portland to use their scare tactics to stop our residents from protesting police brutality and from supporting the Black Lives Matter movement,” Rosenblum said. “Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening. If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere.”

Oregon’s lawsuit in federal court will name the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, US Marshals Service, US Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protection Service as defendants, officials said.

Portland protesters have been demonstrating against racial inequality and police brutality for the last 50 nights.

Oregon’s governor, Portland’s mayor and a US senator all decried the arrests, calling them authoritarian.



July 18 2020


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A Black Portland Cop Says Rioters Are Racist. Leftists Immediately Confirm It.

Victoria Taft

Jul 17, 2020

A black police officer says there are racist white people stage-managing the riots in Portland, Oregon and “they’re not even from here.”

Officer Jackhary Jackson was featured in a video released by the Portland Police Bureau explaining what it’s like to be on the front lines after more than six weeks of rioting.

His observations are in line with what others are seeing in the riots since the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are being imported to Seattle and Portland. Minnesota officials initially were convinced that rioters who burned down the Third Precinct and other buildings, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, were from elsewhere, but the majority of arrested rioters were from the state. Some rioters who did travel to Minneapolis to riot, burn and loot were rolled up by the feds. The federal Department of Justice has begun to arrest and prosecute rioters who crossed state lines to commit riot, arson and other crimes.




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