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Insanity Wrap #4: 'NeverTrump' Means 'AlwaysDemocrats,' Plus Shutdown Forever!


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#NeverTrump morphed into #AlwaysDemocrats so slowly I hardly even noticed, did you?


Of course, you did. It was always that way — but today we have the proof.


Plus, America has a fever and it can only be cured by MORE LOCKDOWN!

All that and more on your Insanity Wrap for Monday, July 13, 2020.

Random thought: Shouldn’t it be Monday the 13th that we dread instead of Friday the 13th?

So, about that infamous #NeverTrump group of diehard True Conservative™ Republicans, The Lincoln Project…


In a piece you might have missed because the Washington Post chose to bury it in its little-read Saturday edition, reporters Ashley Parker and Robert Costa claim that the “once-mocked” #NeverTrump movement has become “a sudden campaign force.”

Nah, we still mock them.

But the important thing is that #NeverTrump is no longer about being against Trump: It’s about getting Democrats elected, period.


Advisers to the Lincoln Project, which they say has about 30 employees and raised $16.8 million this quarter, will soon expand to include ground operations. They are coordinating over 2,500 volunteers in Michigan and plan to next target Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Joni Ernst (Iowa), Thom Tillis (N.C.) and Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who they see as vulnerable after his challenger, Jaime Harrison (D), pulled in a staggering $13.9 million since April.


$16.8 million might not sound like a lot for a presidential race, and that’s because it isn’t. But in a contentious year, that kind of money might be enough to help tip the balance against vulnerable GOP senators and make Chuck Schumer the new majority leader in January.

Even if the Lincoln Project fails to beat Trump, “Cocaine Mitch” McConnell’s judicial confirmation machine would be shut down, and Trump’s conservative remaking of the federal judiciary would come to a halt.

Here’s their website banner:

#NeverTrump means #AlwaysDemocrats

A dollar donated to The Lincoln Project is a dollar donated to Joe Biden, a dollar towards the Green New Deal, a dollar towards the most vicious and unconstitutional anti-2nd Amendment campaign in American history.


Lincoln wouldn't support these fake actors.

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