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There are Lies, Damn Lies, and then There is the Lincoln Project.


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The ‘Lincoln Project’ is a political action committee created last year, allegedly for the sole purpose of preventing the re-election of Donald Trump. Their inaugural op-ed in the New York Times last year proclaims, “We are Republicans and We Want Trump Defeated.” According to their mission statement, their goal is to elect Democrats with a “shared fidelity” to the Constitution despite their “many policy differences.” While they seem to have no problem finding Democrats who concur with their ads, any significant differences between these self-identifying “Republicans” and the Democrat party remains to be seen.

Their most famous Facebook ad, “Mourning in America” is so dishonest that even the liberal moderators of Facebook have slapped on a warning label. Their rebuttal to this warning is nothing short of comical:

"Facebook states that their censorship is the result of a Politifact claim that the Mourning in America ad is 'false.' However, Politifact's 'grade' is based on incorrect and misleading information. Politifact cites the CARES Act as the reasoning behind their tag of 'False,'" the statement says. "The Lincoln Project does not cite the CARES Act as the basis of the claims in our ad. We cite Bloomberg Businessweek, Common Dreams, NBC, Rolling Stone and a list of other reputable sources that back up The Lincoln Project's claim."

One of these “reputable sources” recently settled a multimillion dollar lawsuitover a thoroughly discredited story about a “gang rape” at the University of Virginia. Most tellingly, all four of these “reputable sources” lean to the left, according to website Media bias fact/check. In fact, two of them are about as leftist as you can get, but you do not need a fact checker to figure this out: Common Dreams’ mission statement claims share the “progressive values of social justice, human rights, equality and peace” of its readers.:snip:

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Burn it all down: 'Never Trump' Lincoln Project wants to knock off Senate Republicans too

The Lincoln Project is defending a multimillion-dollar campaign to deliver Senate control to the Democrats, arguing that rebuilding the Republican Party is impossible without ditching President Trump’s “enablers” in Congress. 


Installing a Democratic majority in the Senate, especially with Joe Biden in the White House, could lead to elimination of the legislative filibuster, facilitating enactment of a litany of long-sought-after liberal priorities. But GOP insiders and former Republicans behind the Lincoln Project, a Never Trump group, say the rewards outweigh the risks, insisting that cleansing “Trumpism” from the party requires an unambiguous message that any affiliation with the president is a losing proposition.

“We’ve always been clear about our mission: Removing Trump, Trumpism and his enablers,” Lincoln Project spokesman Keith Edwards said Monday. “These people have violated every letter of their oaths, every iota of their consciences.”:snip:

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Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Co-Founder Begged Trump for a Job in 2016

The co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project has said some pretty mean things about the president over the last few months. Steve Schmidt, who was John McCain’s failed campaign manager, referred to Donald Trump as “a con man,” an “idiot,” an “imbecile,” a “rancid and wretched fool,” “lethally stupid,” “grotesque,” and a “racist disgrace.”


Then why did Schmidt beg Trump for a campaign job in 2016? More than that, why did he defend Trump in 2015 and 2016?

In an exclusive New York Post investigation, it’s revealed that Schmidt met with Trump at his Manhattan headquarters in Trump Tower in 2016 and asked the candidate to hire him to head up his campaign.

Trump thought he was a “total idiot” and turned him down.:snip:



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The Self-Importance of The Lincoln Project

t’s hard to maintain the fiction of The Lincoln Project as a Republican group.

Acouple of erstwhile Republican operatives who notably failed to elect Republican presidents are now trying to elect a Democratic one.

They call their super PAC, self-importantly, The Lincoln Project. The operation is devoted to churning out harsh and often ridiculously over-the-top ads attacking President Donald Trump that are invariably praised by the media and progressives on Twitter, who are The Lincoln Project’s political base.:snip:

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Lincoln Project expands GOP target list, winning Trump ire 

The former GOP operatives behind the Lincoln Project are expanding their list of Republican targets, infuriating allies of President Trump and national Republicans scrambling to preserve the GOP majority in the Senate.

In addition to a relentless negative ad campaign against Trump, the group has so far spent more than $1.3 million attacking Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), who is among the most vulnerable GOP senators up for reelection. That’s by far the most they’ve spent on any Senate candidate.

Federal Election Commission filings reveal the Lincoln Project has also targeted a half dozen other Republicans up for reelection in 2020, including Sens. Cory Gardner (Colo), Martha McSally (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Joni Ernst (Iowa), John Cornyn (Texas), and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.).
The group is running ads in support of Democratic Senate candidates Steve Bullock in Montana and Al Gross in Alaska, who are seeking to unseat Sens. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), respectively.:snip:


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