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Democratic Senate challengers stun Republicans with massive fundraising haul


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Energized grassroots liberals flooded Democratic Senate challengers with campaign cash during the second quarter, shocking Republicans who now confront opponents armed with millions in small-dollar donations.


In interviews Wednesday, veteran Republican strategists reacted with unusual astonishment. They described fundraising by Democratic Senate candidates in April, May, and June as “unprecedented” — collectively and race by race. 

Historically, incumbent senators of both parties harbored significant fundraising advantages over challengers. As recently as the previous election cycle, an incumbent who raised a few million dollars during a three-month period would have been considered incredibly successful, especially in a race in small states such as Iowa and Maine. In that context, what Democratic challengers accomplished in the second quarter of this year has left Republicans astounded.

In Iowa, Democrat Theresa Greenfield, challenging Republican Sen. Joni Ernst, raked in $6 million from donations averaging $30.44. In Maine, Democrat Sara Gideon raised $9 million and now has more cash on hand than Republican Sen. Susan Collins. In Montana, Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock, challengingRepublican Sen. Steve Daines, enjoyed a $7.7 million haul. In North Carolina, Democrat Cal Cunningham, running against Republican Sen. Thom Tillis, collected $7.4 million.:snip:

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