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Today's Toons 4/13/20


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This Thread Brought To You By The Letters C & L:

In Case You Missed It Dept.:

President Trump continued calling the pandemic the virus rather than the Chinese virus this week. Trump said even though it started in Wuhan, he doesn't want Chinese-Americans to feel stigmatized. Every country in the world has the Corona Virus now, but China got it right off the bat.

Capitol Hill in Washington paused to observe the eightieth birthday of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the House Chamber. Imagine her joy when Nancy received the nicest birthday gift a Democrat could ever have asked for. Senate Republicans sent her a two trillion dollar spending bill.

The White House hosted a press conference to underscore the challenges that remain ahead for everyone to endure in this virus crisis. For all that, it produces tales of goodwill that highlight the human spirit. Hillary Clinton just offered to step in after Joe Biden tested negative for president.

President Trump traveled to Virginia to see off a Navy hospital ship bound for New York. The president also invoked a Truman-era war powers emergency act in order to force General Motors to build thousands more ventilators. Democrats insist that they get thirty-five miles per gallon.

Dr. Deborah Birx said expanded testing will result in higher numbers of COVID-19 infection victims who didn't know they had caught the virus. The CDC reported that one of the first signs of corona virus is the loss of taste. It's no wonder that Hollywood was the first to shut down.

The White House Task Force reveals new CV mortality rates from China and the U.S. showing CV is less deadly percentage-wise than the deadly Swine Flu back in 2009. Sometimes I wish Barack Obama was still president. The media would spin CV as a head cold and I would be onstage right now.

Major League Baseball postponed the season due to Corona Virus that crossed the ocean to the U.S. from China this year. Incidentally, the sport is not played with any skill in China. One reason why the Chinese are no good at playing baseball is because they eat the bat.

The White House expressed hope Monday that home isolation would help hold down the virus mortality rate. Seven hundred fifty people died in California, and only two of the deaths were from the virus. The rest of the Californians died from watching Donald Trump go up in the polls.

The New York Times led a cascade of media pundits asserting that the Corona Virus casualties would be much lower if Joe Biden were the president. You know what, they just might be right. The virus, like Biden, would enter the room, forget why it came into the room and then leave.

President Trump addressed reporters in the Rose Garden and emphasized the need to make sure the government helps the airline industry recover. It shows great sportsmanship by Trump to want to save the airlines. After all, if air travel shut down, CNN would lose all their viewers.

The Louisville Courier-Journal reported that local jails released prisoners last week due to the Corona Virus and that one of them, an accused murderer, has been re-arrested for stabbing a guy. He's in big trouble now. Stabbing someone is a clear violation of the social distancing guidelines.

The White House offered an olive branch to Democrats for the sake of national unity against the corona virus. Trump told reporters he would be completely open to a phone call from Joe Biden. Amazingly the President of the United States still has the time to check on the elderly.

Joe Biden remained sequestered in his Delaware home staying safe. This may be a presidential campaign like we've never seen. The DNC announced the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee cannot proceed as planned, with a speaking role for Joe Biden.

Adam Schiff asked to be Chairman of a House Committee to investigate Trump over his initial reaction to the outbreak from Asia. They are sure they've got him nailed now. First it was Russia, then it was Ukraine, and now they think he had advance knowledge about the attack on Pearl Harbor.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo put the state on home lockdown. In New York Harbor, the inscription on the Statue of Liberty that faces Europe across the ocean was just replaced by an eye chart. It reads, If You Can Read This You Are Four Thousand Miles and Six Feet Too Close.

-- Argus Hamilton

(Thank you, pollyannaish)

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5 minutes ago, Oralee said:


Glad you liked 'em, Oralee! No, but just had some organic blue corn tortilla chips.


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2 minutes ago, mass55th said:

Thanks Pookie!! Have a safe, happy, and healthy week!!

My pleasure & the same to you, mass55th!

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11 minutes ago, SteveCase said:

Drudge headline today TRUMP FIRE FAUCI? 

See my post from Friday:

In case you missed it:



I don't know what has happened to Drudge, but I no longer read it.

Here's one of the sites that I do read:


Right now (like "Russian collusion", Urkraine phone call impeachment, etc.), the media/Dems are continuing their 3+ year crusade to remove/defeat Trump. When Fauci goes on CNN, MSNBC, etc., he should not answer political questions...

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Have to share this memo from John25mm on Stilton's Place comments:


Some of the memes out there are pretty good lately. Here are a few of the ones I like.

  • I haven't been late for anything for the past three weeks.
  • Whoever said one person can't change the world never eat an undercooked bat.
  • 87% of gym members don't even know the gym is closed.  :blink:
  • Coronavirus tip #3046. With a mask on you can mouth the words f&%k you all day long and no one will ever know.
  • Ah! Toilet paper hording explained; some people are eating their own cooking for the first time.
  • If you get an email with the subject line "Knock, knock" don't open it. It is a Jehovah witness working from home.  :rolleyes:
  • After all the stupid things I've done in my life if I die because I touched my face, I'm going to be pissed.
  • Where is Morgan Freeman? Shouldn't he be narrating this crap or something?  ;)

Pretty amazing! Though the emojis are mine...

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6 minutes ago, DrPatReads said:

Have to share this memo from John25mm on Stilton's Place comments:

Pretty amazing! Though the emojis are mine...

Some cute ones. Re gym members, I'm in the 13%. Had been going 5 days per week which was going to drop to twice/week when golf season started. Now, there are neither...so I work out 3 times/week at home.

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3 minutes ago, pookie18 said:

...Re gym members, I'm in the 13%...

Spouse and I are as well. The first day the gym was closed, we arrived at 9 am, and learned it would be closed until today. Just yesterday, we got word the closure had been extended... sigh. 

Help! I'm trapped in the house with nothing to do but bake and obsess over food! :huh:

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Superb! "Every country in the world has the Corona Virus now, but China got it right off the bat."

Not to mention "The political party who lost 33,000 emails wants mail-in voting." It would be funny, if it wasn't true...

And I love the complexity in the "F****ing milennials" toon! (9 separate "racist"—or otherwise—allusions. And a roll of premium TP to whoever first lists all 9.)

Great beginning to the post-Easter, open-up-already, week, Pookie!

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1 minute ago, DrPatReads said:

Superb! "Every country in the world has the Corona Virus now, but China got it right off the bat."

Not to mention "The political party who lost 33,000 emails wants mail-in voting." It would be funny, if it wasn't true...

And I love the complexity in the "F****ing milennials" toon! (9 separate "racist"—or otherwise—allusions. And a roll of premium TP to whoever first lists all 9.)

Great beginning to the post-Easter, open-up-already, week, Pookie!

Glad you liked 'em, DrPatReads!

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8 hours ago, rdoughty said:

Rush did a good job Monday covering this issue!  -Ron

Heard it. Trump & Fauci did a better job covering it at the Coronavirus task force briefing!

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