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On Easter, a nation clings to hope


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After a 40-day period dedicated to fasting, self-denial, and prayer, Christians begin a new phase in their calendar: a 50-day celebration of Christ’s resurrection, which ends on Pentecost Sunday. 


It is deliberate that the celebration of Easter lasts longer than that of Lent. And now, at a time of suffering in which hope is more difficult than usual to maintain, it is a good moment to keep that lesson in mind. For all the pain and loss that the world’s peoples are enduring, a brighter future awaits. 

Christians and non-Christians alike can surely appreciate the panic that must have gone through the minds of Christ’s apostles on the days leading up to the first Easter. Their teacher, a man in whom they had placed great hope, and whom they had given up everything to follow, had just been executed in the most brutal manner conceived in the eight centuries since Rome’s founding. Even worse, Christ’s had been a death utterly without dignity. Before being nailed to the cross like a kind of criminal, the Gospels say he was scourged, dressed up like a mock king, jeered at, sucker-punched, beaten, and spat upon. He was not allowed just to die, but had to be canceled (as we might put today) before he was killed.

The apostles were still small-minded men at this point. They lacked the vision to understand that there was something to hope for. With just one exception, they hid in fear during and after the crucifixion.:snip:

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Christians and non-Christians alike can surely appreciate the panic that must have gone through the minds of Christ’s apostles on the days leading up to the first Easter.


In reading/studying the Gospels one conclusion I came to was these guys (The Apostles) were not exactly the brightest bulbs on the tree. Why do I say this? (I HEAVILY paraphrase) "And Jesus to them I'm going to Jerusalem where the elders will arrest me and have me killed..and 3 days later I'll rise from the dead. Then the apostles asked themselves, What Do You He Means By That?"

Now maybe its just me, knowing how the story ends (SPOILER ALERT: He doesn't STAY Dead :D). Now this sort of thing happens again and again and again, These are the guys God used to Change The World, people who were not  great scholars etc...just some guys...mainly working stiffs.   


Satan is not as bright as he thinks he is either. Otherwise he would done all he could to keep Jesus Alive.



OOPS!  He suddenly realizes just what he did. Powerful, OK I'll give Satan that...but Just Not As Smart As He Thinks He Is.

Edited by Valin
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26 minutes ago, Valin said:

I came to was these guys (The Apostles) were not exactly the brightest bulbs on the tree.

So what are you saying then - Biden could be President???:P

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1 hour ago, Geee said:

I would call that a curse not a miracle.



Right now, it would take a miracle for him to win. I'm wondering if we'll even be the nominee.

One of the things we are seeing with this"crisis" is the major advantage of being the incumbent. 

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