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Three Years Later, Gorsuch Delivers


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Today is the three-year anniversary of Justice Gorsuch’s swearing-in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.  Although still early, Justice Gorsuch has already proven to be a grand slam for anyone who cares about interpreting the Constitution as written; for anyone who cares about the differences between judges and legislators; and for anyone who cares about protecting individual liberty.  

As a judge on the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, Justice Gorsuch was widely recognized as a leading proponent of the judicial philosophy known as “originalism.”  That term is simply a fancy label for a straightforward concept: judges should adhere to what’s in the Constitution and not what isn’t.  An originalist understands that the people themselves decided what rights should be removed from the democratic process when they adopted the Constitution; it is not for a handful of unelected judges to change that bargain.  As then-Judge Gorsuch eloquently put it: the Constitution “isn’t some inkblot on which litigants may project their hopes and dreams,” but rather “a carefully drafted text judges are charged with applying according to its original public meaning.”  :snip:

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