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CBS News Selectively Edits Wisconsin Voter's Full Remarks Because It Appears It Didn't Fit Their Narrative


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CBS News is stepping on all the fake news rakes this week. First, the network aired misleading footage for its New York City Wuhan coronavirus story by broadcasting footage of an Italian hospital that was overrun with Wuhan coronavirus patients. Then, the network apologized and said it was an editing error before re-airing the same footage for a story about a hospital in Pennsylvania. CBS News then peddled another bogus story about a nurse who quit her job due to a lack of personal protection equipment, which was not vetted at all. And now, we have remarks being cut for national broadcasts that added context to the recent Wisconsin primary.


First, let’s say these elections were a mess. They were on, and at the last minute, Democratic Gov. Tony Evers backtracked which set off a legal fight that he ultimately lost (via CBS News):

Voters around Wisconsin traveled to the polls on Tuesday in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Tuesday's voting comes after days of legal battles over challenges to the election and some state leaders declining to take action to move the election day, as many other states have done. 

Voters in Milwaukee, and some in other parts of the state, waited in long lines to cast their ballots. Many voters and election workers donned masks for protection and tried to maintain social distancing while waiting in line.:snip:

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Why Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers flip-flopped on postponing his state's primary

Why did Gov. Tony Evers, a Wisconsin Democrat, change his mind by trying to postpone the Wisconsin State Supreme Court election this week when both he and Vice President Joe Biden had just recently said that the voting could proceed? 


It's really simple. Republican areas in the state had turned in many more absentee ballots than Democratic areas. This was shocking, because most people had assumed the race between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders would give Democrats a huge turnout edge. That's when Evers panicked.

To cancel an election the day before the vote — after your state party realizes it might be getting outvoted in absentees — is a pretty cynical move. It is thus disingenuous for Democrats to claim the high ground now.

Evers did not change his outlook based on any public health announcement that COVID-19 projections had worsened. We know this because the only intervening development in the period of Biden's and Evers's change of mind was a positive announcement that fewer deaths were now expected, plus the federal government's endorsement of mask-wearing as a useful protective measure (many people wore masks to the polls, by the way).:snip:

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