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Sanders suspends presidential campaign, rendering Biden presumptive Democratic nominee


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Bernie Sanders has suspended his Democratic presidential campaign -- all but handing the nomination to former Vice President Joe Biden.

The senator from Vermont initially announced the decision during an all-staff conference call Wednesday morning, and followed up with a formal livestreamed address to supporters shortly before noon.

Citing Biden’s lead of over 300 convention delegates, Sanders declared: “The path toward victory is virtually impossible.”


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Apr. 8 2020

Bernie Sanders QUITS, Supporters Declare WAR On Democrats As Trump Calls On Them To Join Republicans. Bernie Sanders has officially ended his campaign for the President of the United States of America.

He has conceded that he would not be able to defeat Joe Biden and would thus suspend his campaign. But many of his supporters, progressives and far leftists, are livid. They are furious that even though Joe Biden is not viable the DNC and Democratic establishment supported him to run against Trump.

Trump will absolutely crush Biden and everyone knows it. For what reason did Democrats think he would be a good idea?

Perhaps the Democrats just don't want an outsider like Bernie to take the reigns of the party.



Apr. 8 2020


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Civil War on the Left, Ch 71: Bitter Bummed Bernie Bros

Steven Hayward

Apr. 10 2020

It’s been a while since we’ve done an installment in our long running Civil War on the Left series, but it makes sense to take a time-out when the Democrats put it all on display in their nomination contest. But now that the nomination contest is over (maybe), it is fun to see how a lot of the Bernie bros aren’t going quietly into blithering Biden’s good night.

Over at Jacobin, which is the hot magazine on the left these days, Carl Beijer isn’t having any of it in a piece titled “Voters Won’t Risk Their Lives for Joe Biden.” After clearing his throat that capitalism is responsible for the coronavirus, Beijer gets down to business:


And there’s some survey data showing that 10 percent or more of Bernie voters say they won’t support Biden in November. Meanwhile, there is also new polling data showing that much of the rest of the Democratic Party is having buyer’s remorse already. A recent Club for Growth poll found that a majority of Democrats prefer dumping Biden for Andrew Cuomo, with 56 percent preferring Cuomo to 44 percent wanting to stick with Biden. (Caveat: the NY Post news story doesn’t link to the actual poll itself, so we can’t see the questions, but this is not the only poll to suggest a Cuomo boomlet and Biden buyer’s remorse.)

Fortunately, my local stores have not run out of popcorn.

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