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Today's Toons 4/6/20


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This Thread Brought To You By The Letter T:
(Thank you, cartoonist Rex May)

In Case You Missed It Dept.:

National Institute of Health Director Dr. Anthony Fauci urged people to observe protocol greeting each other in public. These guidelines play right into the Chinese plan to kill us all. First they tell us to cough into our elbows and not our hands, then they tell us not to shake hands and touch elbows.

ISIS issued an announcement telling its terrorists to avoid Europe due to the risk of catching Corona Virus. It's really putting a crimp in the style of the terrorists. This week an ISIS suicide bomber killed himself and seventy-eight other family members when he decided to work from home.

President Trump was slammed by CNN Wednesday for not providing authoritative leadership in the war on the virus. For three years the media called him Hitler, and now suddenly he's not being Hitler enough. The media can never quite agree on just how much is the right amount of Hitler.

President Trump backed a long-used anti-malaria drug for COVID-19 patients which tested perfectly in France's tests, but Dr. Fauci downplayed those tests. There's full-bore competition for a cure. If the schools are closed for too long, the parents will find the vaccine before the scientists do.

President Trump had a marathon news conference with his Corona Virus Task Force where he vowed businesses will be opened soon while acknowledging casualties among America's seniors. Funeral plans are being made for Bill Clinton. He's fine, but he IS quarantined with Hillary.

Hollywood movie mogul and convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein contracted Corona Virus on Sunday. He knows where all the bodies are buried in show business and in politics. That may explain why Hillary Clinton sent Harvey Weinstein a get-well card a week before he caught the virus.

Nancy Pelosi gummed up the Senate bi-partisan stimulus bill by offering her own bill, which contained a liberal wish list of items unrelated to the crisis. Yet volcanic voter reaction against it moved Nancy to back down and state she'd back the Senate bill. Who says you can't blink on Botox?

The Gallup Poll gave Trump a sixty percent approval for his handling of the COVID-19 crisis. We must be fair. Trump did not cause Corona Virus, Obama didn't cause Ebola, Bush didn't cause Bird Flu, and Bill Clinton only caused a couple of cases of STDs here and there.

White House Task Force epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on Laura Ingraham's show on Fox News. The researcher pointed out that many regions of the country have been affected differently. For instance, in Chicago the Corona Virus actually lowered the death rate.

An Arizonan died ingesting a poisonous fish tank cleaning solution containing chloroquine phosphate, prompting CNN to accuse Trump of murder. He'd touted the anti-malarial drug chloroquine as it's worked on the virus. I think the biggest lie the media has told us was that March Madness was canceled this year.

The New York Post reported that Hollywood mogul and Clinton friend Harvey Weinstein has contracted Corona Virus at Rikers Island jail in New York City while awaiting transport to prison for his rape conviction. It looks a little fishy. Since when did Corona Virus leave marks on your neck?

The U.S. Senate reached bipartisan agreement and passed a two-trillion-dollar relief bill filled with goodies. Conservatives are outraged by all the giveaways. As if the Corona Virus weren't enough of a problem, if the bill were any more laden with pork, it would risk spreading the Swine Flu.

Dr. Deborah Birx told reporters she's encouraged by declining virus numbers in Asia and Italy. I just spoke on the phone with a professor in China. He says it's not worth getting the COVID-19 epidemic now, because they're expecting the COVID-20 Pro to be released this September.

President Trump took questions from reporters and urged them to report good news as well during the crisis. There is plenty of good news out there if you just look for it. A Chicago corona virus victim has fully recovered and is now able to return to his life as a future gunfire victim.

-- Argus Hamilton


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Opening salvo for the week: Ron White, and Comfort "stealing the Statue of Liberty"...

Not to mention the quote from the In Case You Missed It Dept.: "...This week an ISIS suicide bomber killed himself and seventy-eight other family members when he decided to work from home...." paired with the bottom-line cartoon:


Well done, Pookie!

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1 hour ago, DrPatReads said:

Opening salvo for the week: Ron White, and Comfort "stealing the Statue of Liberty"...

Not to mention the quote from the In Case You Missed It Dept.: "...This week an ISIS suicide bomber killed himself and seventy-eight other family members when he decided to work from home...." paired with the bottom-line cartoon:


Well done, Pookie!

Thanks, DrPatReads!

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24 minutes ago, mass55th said:

Thanks for the Toons Pookie!! Have a happy, and healthy week!! 

My pleasure & the same to you, mass55th!

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I didn't hook up the like-o-meter today, but, no doubt, the meter might have pegged because of the many excellent selections, enhanced by being sans Garry Trudeau and Chris Muir. :)  While I was writing this, I searched Google to make sure I was spelling Muir's name correctly, and this came up on the top of the search list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O801SD2UM1w    -Ron  :)

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24 minutes ago, rdoughty said:

I didn't hook up the like-o-meter today, but, no doubt, the meter might have pegged because of the many excellent selections, enhanced by being sans Garry Trudeau and Chris Muir. :)  While I was writing this, I searched Google to make sure I was spelling Muir's name correctly, and this came up on the top of the search list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O801SD2UM1w    -Ron  :)

Since 2004, I don't believe I've posted more than 1 Trudeau image. Thanks for the vid though I could only take ~2 min. of it...

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1 minute ago, Callindril said:

Thanks for keeping the laughs coming in these crazy times...

You're welcome, as always, Callindril!

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5 hours ago, rdoughty said:

I didn't hook up the like-o-meter today, but, no doubt, the meter might have pegged because of the many excellent selections, enhanced by being sans Garry Trudeau and Chris Muir. :)  While I was writing this, I searched Google to make sure I was spelling Muir's name correctly, and this came up on the top of the search list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O801SD2UM1w    -Ron  :)

That discussion was a verbal version of Chris Muir's artwork...

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