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Union Probe Finds Close Biden Ally Misappropriated Millions


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One of Joe Biden's closest labor allies inappropriately siphoned nearly $1 million from a union pension fund as the labor group suffered from a "systemic misrepresentation in financial reporting," according to an internal probe obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Harold Schaitberger, the president of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), which represents more than 300,000 firefighters, is facing accusations of corruption and gross financial malpractice from his closest deputies. Edward Kelly, the general secretary-treasurer and the number two of the union, detailed the findings of his team's audit in a March 20 internal memorandum. According to the 105-page document, the audit has thus far found that Schaitberger and Thomas Miller—Kelly's predecessor as the general secretary-treasurer—illegally earned millions of dollars from the union pension fund over the last two decades.

"The record keeping performed prior to my assuming office in September 2016 was so poor, one could argue it was designed that way," Kelly wrote in the memorandum.

Kelly's audit also found that the union misreported millions of dollars in union funds while diverting millions of dollars for a purpose unrelated to their original designation. As a result of this rampant financial malpractice, roughly $6 million in union funds remain unaccounted for, according to the memorandum.:snip:

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