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The Inevitable Shoe Drops: DOJ Dismisses Mueller’s Charges against Russian Businesses


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The indictment was political theater never meant to be tried in court.

Andrew C. McCarthy

March 19, 2020

More than an investigation, the Mueller probe was the wellspring of a political narrative. That becomes clearer as time goes by and more information ekes out . . . such as new confirmation that, months before Mueller was appointed in May 2017, it was already well understood in Justice Department circles that there was no case of criminal “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Never was that made more obvious than by the Justice Department’s quiet announcement late Monday, under the five-alarm noise of the coronavirus scare, that it has dropped the special counsel’s indictment of Russian companies — an outcome I predicted here at National Review nearly two years ago.

A little refresher is in order.


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