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White House Previews Executive Order to Reduce Medical Supply Chain Dependence on China


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White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said Wednesday that the White House is considering an executive order to reduce America’s dependence on foreign countries for supplying medical resources.

“China has managed to dominate all aspects of the supply chain using the same unfair trade practices that it has used to dominate other sectors — cheap sweatshop labor, lax environmental regulations and massive government subsidies,” Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro said in an interview with the New York Times.:snip:

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GOP Senator pushing legislation to reduce pharmaceutical dependency on China: 'We are dependent on them'

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., addressed the reliance that the U.S. currently has on China when it comes to key pharmaceutical ingredients, as medical professionals are hoping to stave off the coronavirus pandemic.

Blackburn told "Fox & Friends" Sunday morning that even before the current outbreak, she was pushing legislation to reduce that dependency and increase production in the U.S.


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Getting Critical Medicines From China Is Risky. Critical Minerals, Too

The rapid spread of the coronavirus is doing more than claim an alarming number of new human hosts – it is burning through decades of bureaucratic inertia and plain inattention as the American economic ecosystem has become dangerously dependent on China.

Take the current focus on critical medicines needed to combat COVID-19, everything from basic drugs to treat the virus to N95 surgical masks to guard against its spread.  We’re learning that these essentials come from China, ground zero for the virus itself.  At the White House and on Capitol Hill – at least those corners of the Congress that have not gone into self-quarantine – efforts are now underway to jump-start U.S. production and end this dangerous dependence. 

It’s an urgent issue demanding immediate attention.  But while Congress and the president are at it, they may want to broaden their focus from critical medicines to critical minerals.

Just as critical medicines from China are integrated across the U.S. health care spectrum, so too are critical minerals imbedded into all aspects of the U.S. supply chains for energy, high-tech manufacturing – and most worryingly, national defense.  Everything, in short, that makes 21st century America the economic and military power that it is.  :snip:

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