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Politico Uncovers Allegations Of Suspicious Business Dealings Involving Joe Biden’s Brother


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It seems that former Vice President Joe Biden might have some splainin’ to do. Politico published a report on Monday revealing that his brother, James Biden, may have “fraudulently transferred funds” from a hospital and also taken funds as a “personal loan” that he has not yet repaid.


The FBI raided Americor Health hospital on January 20 amid suspicions of illegal activities involving members of Biden’s family. It appears they may have found evidence of illicit business dealings in connection to the former vice president’s career as a government official.


After the raid, two medical firms who had business relationships with James Biden stated in civil court proceedings that they possessed evidence that his transfer of funds from Americore was “outside of the ordinary course of business.” Politico reports that this case might represent, “potential pitfalls for the former vice president”

From Politico:

 “The raid of an Americore Health hospital represented a deepening of the legal morass surrounding James Biden’s recent venture into healthcare investing at a time when questions about the business dealings of Joe Biden’s relatives, and their alleged connection to the former vice president’s public service, continue to dog his presidential campaign.”

Politico points out that the reason for the raid has not yet been publicized, and the extent to which the investigation involves James Biden is unclear. But the news outlet does note that Americore’s owner “has faced legal problems and allegations of mismanagement that are unrelated to James Biden.”

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