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The Greatest American Success Story You’ve Never Heard


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It’s a tragedy that the Williams Companies were forced to mothball the much-needed Constitution Pipeline project after it was subjected to years of legal red tape and state regulatory challenges that made the nearly $1 billion investment economically unfeasible. 

No one – particularly families and businesses – should be pleased, and the blame lies squarely on radical activists and those political leaders who aid their destructive policies.


The pipeline would have delivered the much-needed benefits of clean natural gas to New York and New England from Pennsylvania. It received federal approval in 2014 as well as more recent positive court and permit approvals, but it couldn’t withstand the years of expensive (and endless) legal battles. Scuttling it will hurt the poorest families and those still in search of the American Dream, let alone kill the thousands of good union jobs building it would have created.

And, it was unnecessary. The ear-piercing protests and handwringing by those who claim the United States is doing too little on the environmental front repeatedly fail to check their basic facts.

It’s time Americans hear about the U.S.A.’s greatest untold success story.

Thanks to natural gas, conservation, efficiency, and increased usage of wind and solar power, the U.S. is leading the world in cutting air-polluting emissions. Yes, you read that right! And we’re more than half way toward reaching our pollution-reduction goals under the Paris climate accord – even without being a signatory.   :snip:


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