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U.S. Media Covers Up Muslim Atrocities Against Hindus in Reporting on Delhi Riots


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Fake news is international. “Over 200 million Muslims call India home,” Bernie Sanders tweeted Wednesday. “Widespread anti-Muslim mob violence has killed at least 27 and injured many more. Trump responds by saying, "That’s up to India. This is a failure of leadership on human rights.” Bernie is, as usual, wrong. His tweet reflects the American establishment media’s position that the riots in India over the last few days are examples of Hindu violence against Muslims, but they only maintain that position by an extremely selective, misleading, and inexcusably irresponsible presentation of what is going on in India.

The disinformation begins with the establishment media description of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which is the cause of the rioting. In an article entitled “Trump declines to condemn India’s anti-Muslim law,” the Los Angeles Timesreported Tuesday that President Trump had “declined…to condemn India’s controversial new citizenship law, which discriminates against Muslims.” The law, said the Times, “excludes Muslims and has helped fuel a new wave of communal violence….The law passed by India’s parliament last year prioritizes citizenship for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians while excluding Muslims.”:snip:

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