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McAuliffe fuels speculation with Twitter post


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Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe used President Trump’s favorite social media site to go after—President Trump. McAuliffe tweeted a meme of a crab on top of an alligator which apparently represents the President. The meme set off a flurry of speculation that McAuliffe will soon launch a run for the Democratic nomination.

On Wednesday McAuliffe told a trade union conference “If I can wrestle an alligator, I can sure as hell wrestle Donald Trump, boy, and that would be worth it. And you’d pay money to watch that debate.” McAuliffe also posted a picture of himself from 1980 in which he wrestled an alligator in exchange for a contribution to President Jimmy Carter’s campaign, along side a picture of Trump.

McAuliffe has said he will decide soon whether to enter the crowded Democratic field in the 2020 Presidential race. He told radio host John Fredericks earlier this month he is “very close” to making a decision about running. McAuliffe said he is making sixty to eight phone calls a day measuring support for a run.

McAuliffe has deep connections within the Democratic party. He served as co-chair of President Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign and was chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. He was a prolific fundraiser for the Clintons and close to them personally. He guaranteed the mortgage on the Clinton’s New York home. He also served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, which gave him access to party leaders in every state, as well as Democrats in Congress.


Terry comes Tweeting.

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