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Trump’s lies and insults pale next to Jackson’s, Roosevelt’s, Truman’s


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“Loser.” “Third rate.” “A total low-life.” Almost every new day brings a bevy of fresh new insults from President Trump. 


Trump may be in uncharted territory with his insults, but only in his their sophomoric level. They are brief and not intellectual or clever. He labeled his 2016 Political opponents "Crooked Hillary," "Lyin’ Ted," and "Little Marco." As president, he branded Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., “Sleepin’ Bob Casey,” Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum “a stone-cold thief,” and Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., "Jeff Flake(y).”

Trump is far from the first politician to use political insults. His predecessors also bad-mouthed their opponents, albeit in a more intellectual manner. 


In 1833, Harvard University awarded an honorary degree to President Andrew Jackson. Former President John Quincy Adams, a Harvard University Alumnus, who lost his re-election bid to Jackson in 1828, boycotted the ceremony. In his diary, Adams called Jackson, who lacked a college education: “A barbarian who could not write a sentence of grammar and hardly could spell his own name.”:snip:

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