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Israelis are fired up to see their Beresheet spacecraft land on the moon. Here’s how to watch it.


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Marcy Oster

April 10, 2019

JERUSALEM (JTA) — With elections in the rearview mirror, Israelis are now focusing on the moon.

The Israeli spacecraft Beresheet, or Genesis, is scheduled to touch down on the moon’s surface on Thursday night in Israel. And the country has Beresheet mania.

Watch parties and celebrations are planned throughout Israel. The main event — in Hod Hasharon, about 13 miles from Tel Aviv in the central part of the country — will include exhibitions, a dance party, a space-themed selfie wall and videos.


For those outside of Israel, Space IL, the nonprofit organization that founded the Beresheet program, will livestream the landing on its Facebook page and on YouTube.




  Muslims will be interested in space travel when Jews land on the moon"

Dennis Miller


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Israel's Beresheet spacecraft fails to land safely on the moon

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was at hand to watch the landing, said that Israel will continue to try landing on the moon.


April 11, 2019

Disappointment set in at the SpaceIL mission center as it became evident that while Beresheet did make it to the moon and won't be capable to carry out it's final mission. 

As the spacecraft approached the moon, SpaceIL lost contact with Beresheet several times. The scientists kept hope as the connection was restored, but just minutes before the spacecraft was supposed to touch down, contact was lost once again and it crashed on the moon.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was at hand to watch the landing, said that Israel will continue to try landing on the moon. Minutes later Netanyahu took to the microphone again to promise "Israel will land on the moon!"





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