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Candace Owens Nukes Nadler’s ‘Hate Crime’ Hearing


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If you want to know why the Democrats are frightened of Candace Owens, watch the video of her Tuesday morning testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. For example, early in the proceedings, Owens chastised Chairman Jerrold Nadler for misrepresenting her biography: “You reduced it to one sentence, calling me a conservative activist. It wasn’t what I submitted to your office last night and I think that you opened with anti-black bias.” Having demonstrated that she is no shrinking violet, Owens debunked the ostensible purpose of the hearing — that it was convened to examine white nationalist hate crimes:

The hearing today is not about “white nationalism” or “hate crimes.” It’s about fear-mongering, power and control. It’s a preview of the 2020 Democrat election strategy… what they want to say is that brown people need to be scared which seems to be the narrative that we hear every four years right ahead of a presidential election.… White supremacy, racism, white nationalism, words that once held real meaning, have now become nothing more than election strategies.

Owens highlighted her point by describing genuine problems that beset the black community: The failure of the public school systems to teach black children to read and their equally appalling failure to teach minority students basic math skills. She went on to point out that the single motherhood rate in the black community has skyrocketed from 23 percent in the 1960s to 74 percent today, and that there are more black babies aborted than born alive in large cities like New York. She then dropped the hammer as follows: “My point is that white nationalism did not do any of those things that I just brought up. Democrat policies did.”:snip:

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