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Pinkerton: Making American Healthcare Great Again


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On March 25, we learned that the Trump administration would be supporting a lawsuit aimed at overturning the entirety of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Sensing an opportunity to stand up for their treasured healthcare law, Democrats pounced. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, also now a presidential hopeful, tweeted later that day: If it’s a fight for healthcare this administration wants, it’s a fight they’ll get—and we will win.

Not surprisingly, in response, President Trump chose to double down; he tweetedThe Republican Party will become “The Party of Healthcare!”

The next day, Democrat Sen. Bob Casey, freshly reelected in a state that Trump carried in 2016, jumped in with a counter-tweetIt’s now the official position of @realDonaldTrump’s administration that they want to rip health care coverage away from the 30 million Americans that receive theirs under the ACA marketplace and Medicaid expansion.

And then Casey addedIt’s now the official position of @realDonaldTrump’s administration that we should no longer protect people with preexisting conditions.

Tough stuff. In fact, even as Democrats were advancing, most Republicans were retreating. Notably, congressional GOPers evinced no desire to reopen the healthcare debate, which in 2017 proved to be such a disappointing slog; at that time, I compared it to World War One trench warfare. 

In fact, the repeal effort two years ago only served to raise the salience of the healthcare issue—and that was a boost to the Democrats. In 2018, the Democrats hammered the GOP on healthcare; according to the exit polls, a full 41 percent of voters said that it was their top concern. And so the Democrats flipped the House.


Trump trumps Republicans, again.

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