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Gov. Scott Walker Stared Down a Leftist Mob. Here’s His Advice to Other Conservatives.


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Kate Trinko: Joining us today from CPAC is [former] Gov. Scott Walker, Republican of Wisconsin. So governor, you were in charge of a fairly blue state for eight years.

Scott Walker: Yeah, very much so.

Trinko: You had .. an epic sort of governorship. What were some of your biggest lessons from those eight years?

Walker: I think coming into a blue state, because in 2010 when I first ran, everything was blue. Both U.S. senators, majority of House seats, both of our legislative bodies, governor, lieutenant governor, all Democrat. We changed it.

… We focused on a couple key issues. We talked about how everything tied into the economic and fiscal crisis we faced in the state, and really in the nation. And everything we did came back to that. So we repeated it over and over again. 

Secondly, we went big and we went bold and we did it early. We knew in a blue state we might not have the chance to do all these things if we waited more than in that first term. So we did most of these things right in the first 45 to 60 days. And then we had the time to prove that our reforms work.:snip:


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Walker: I think the kicker is not only to find good candidates, but to make sure that they’re people who have really thought about and believe in what they’re doing.


Exactly!!! a Good Candidate is one who can (actually) Win. That is not necessarily the most doctrinaire Conservative. This is something so many conservatives (see TOS) don't understand. 


They could not have that. They would have sold their members out, I believe, for anything. For paying 100% of health care and insurance premiums, 100% of their pension. If only we had allowed them to keep their dues, their automatic dues deduction. We stopped that and gave workers the freedom to choose whether they wanted to be in the union or not. And that’s what frightened them the most.

That battle is Still going on, no matter what the Federal courts & USSC have said.

When I was at Chemrex the chemical workers union came in to unionize us. 3 of us went on the war path (words were spoken...harsh words) we drove them out.


It’s why I now … not only do press conferences, but I’m a big believer in social media. We do Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat and all that because these are all ways to talk directly to the people and not have to deal with the filter.

Over the years, we’d do town hall meetings, we’d do telephone town hall meetings on phones. We’d do Facebook live town hall meetings. We’d do things like that. And that’s a way to talk directly to the people.


It's that little silicon chip (in your smart phone/computer) that is changing everything. 20-30 years go if the MSM didn't report it...it never happened, today that is no longer true. This is why I pay attention and post so much about what is happening in social media, this is the new town hall/town square, which is why our "friends" on the left want/need to control it.





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12 minutes ago, Valin said:


Exactly!!! a Good Candidate is one who can (actually) Win. That is not necessarily the most doctrinaire Conservative. This is something so many conservatives (see TOS) don't understand. 

That battle is Still going on, no matter what the Federal courts & USSC have said.

When I was at Chemrex the chemical workers union came in to unionize us. 3 of us went on the war path (words were spoken...harsh words) we drove them out.


It's that little silicon chip (in your smart phone/computer) that is changing everything. 20-30 years go if the MSM didn't report it...it never happened, today that is no longer true. This is why I pay attention and post so much about what is happening in social media, this is the new town hall/town square, which is why our "friends" on the left want/need to control it.





Both Walker and Ryan have been doing Town Hall meeting over the phone for years. Paul Ryan has always been effective at handling people who have different opinions, even if they were somewhat hostile. Patiently explaining his positions and why. I have pointed out many times that his district had many heavily Dem population areas in it, but he always won it handily. As my very liberal eye doctor told me " I disagree with most of his positions, but I very much respect the man."

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1 hour ago, Geee said:

You referring to the articles or where they are in their fund raising goal ?:P


They do fund raising? :blink:

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